Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heart racing
Feeling relaxed

Pacing the floor
Unable to move

Breathing too fast
Hard to breath

Want you close
Pushing you away

Hoping to feel you
Paralyzed by your touch

Wanting to see you
Forbiddn your company

Always, thinking of you


I wish I could embed the real video, its freakin awsome!! Ah, I do love this song...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy weekend

It was crazy! lol, lets see, where to start....

Ok so Friday I was doing stuff outside..fixing stuff in the chicken coop, mowing/trimming, spraying for bugs, working on/in the basement, little stuff like that. Then I got a call from my SIL asking me to come help her get stuff set up for the poker run. No problem, I went there and supervised, moved a table, and filled a couple coolers, that was it, LOL. Then I went and picked up the DH. Let me explain the poker run.

SIL decided a few months ago to do an antique tractor poker run. Cool idea, and a mouthful to say, but I thought, why not? So she has been planning and getting things together for that, which occured on this past Sat, the 20th. Cool! It was about 30 miles long, with 5 stops, (2 of which were her house the start/finish). There were supposed to be 13 tractors, but there ended up being 7. There was supposed to be 53 people, there ended up being 28. But over all, it was a good turn out for the first one! It started at 1030, with registration til 1130. Then we all rolled out (7 tractors, 2 pulling hay racks for us 'non drivers')at about noon. After all the stops, and messing around along the way, we got back around 5pm. She wanted it to last into the night, but everyone was so tired from being drunk and in the sun all day, by 7 it was over, lol. Again, it was still fun and not bad for the first run. I think next year will be better!


SIL: this pic got chopped for some reason, she is the one on the far right of the pic



So then, on Sunday, DH decided we would go to Peoria and mess around. So that was an all day affair, lol. I was so pooped by Sunday evening!! Then on Monday, I piddled around here, went to Burlington with the DH, then took him to work. I came home and did 4 loads of laundry, and CRASHED, lol.

I do want to pass on a bit about a new book I just started reading. Its by Stephanie Meyer, and its called Twilight. Its the first in a series, and is supposed to be really good. It falls in line with the vampire theme that I like, and am looking forward to reading it!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Chris Daughtry

I loved him on American Idol, and STILL love him!! Something about his singing, his presence, his aura is just AWSOME

Rainy days

I know that rain is nature's way of cleansing the earth. I believe that. But DAMN!! We must be really dirty, because its been raining for 3 days!! We had two days prior to that of wonderful weather, and I managed to get stuff done, but before that it rained for 2 days as well! Rain can be a great thing, don't get me wrong, but several days in a row is just depressing! I find myself laying in my tanning bed just to get that 'boost' that occurs from the light. Yeah, its artificial, but I gotta do something!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Runnin' with the pack...or not

Since yesterday was cold and rainy, I stayed inside, in comfies all day. BUt today is a new day! High supposed to be 68, and sunny...woohoo! So after taking care of laundry and gettting it hung out, I decided to take Benjamin out for a romp in the back 40. Keep in mind, in all the times before he has gone with me, Elite, and Max. This time, it was 'just us'.

At first he hung right by my side, not real sure what to do. He has always followed Elite, and never really explored 'on his own'. But after some encouraging words, and me just walking along, he decided running on his own was great!. He never ventured out of eyesight, but he did seem to relax and enjoy the romp. Of course, he would come 'check in' with me, and even walk beside me for a bit, at which point he would get a 'good boy' and some rubs. I really think he enjoyed himself! And that got me to thinking......

I think I could train him to track. I don't know if it would be for SAR (Search And Rescue) or just for sport, like in Schutzhund, but I think he could do it. The one hang up right now is that even at almost 2 years old, he is still very much a puppy. His focus is minimal, lol. But I think I could slowly start laying the 'ground work' with him, in very small incriments. It would probably take at least a year to get things really going with him, and with the cooler weather, I might start. But as winter sets in, we'd have to put things on hold a bit, and start back up at first thaw. Even then, summer would be a bitch, as we'd have to do it in the wee morning hours, or late evenings. LOL...sounds like I'm trying to talk myself out of it. Ah well, it would just be for fun anyway, lol.

Anyway, the point is, I think he had a good time today, running with his 'pack', even if it was just me! :) Love my "Snuggabear"