Thursday, April 30, 2009

More on unruly kids....

First let me start with a question....can someone PLEASE tell me why people,....people with loads of unruly children, who have an ENTIRE restaurant to find a seat, choose to plop down as close to others as possible?  Why is this?  

So we went out to eat, as we usually do because well, we don't have much of a choice since we live on the road.  Anyway, its a buffet, so we seat ourselves.  I scoured the joint, looking for a spot (and there were plenty) a respectful distance away from other diners.  We all like our privacy whilst dining, after all.   

After finding a nice spot, we sit down and proceed to aquire our salad.  We come back to our seat and just settle in when out of nowhere there arrives mom, dad, and 3 sons.  Two boys are around the ages of 9 and 7...the third was 2.  Placing the 2 year old in a highchair, 9 year old runs off to fill his plate, dad plops down and mom and 7 year old go fill plates.  Mom returns with dad's plate, her plate, and 2 year old's plate, all heaping with greasy globs of unidentified ick.  There is actually more food on the 2 year old's plate than even I would eat.  

In the meantime, while mom is retrieving chow, 2 year old is throwing a tantrum in his chair, while dad sits in silence, ignoring the show.  Now that mom has arrived, he escalates his fit.  As they begin to feed, 9 year old opens his small container of butter and proceeds to scoop it out with his finger onto his roll.  Following that up with a proper licking out of any excess with his tongue.  He then tries to spread said butter with his fingers, giving up to use the handle of his spoon, and also giving that a good tongue lashing.  As this is going on, the screaming tot has decided that the corn on the cob is too hot, the green beans are not remotely appealing, and the heaps of fried chicken are just not edible, either.  So, he opts for his own container of butter, which he then eats half of with his fork (why you would allow a 2 year old to weild a fork I'll never know) and then lick the other half out.  Yummy.  He followed that with a couple of small bites of his roll, then washed it down with another container of butter.  Mom and dad are evidently oblivious to this action, as they are emmersed in their own gruel.  

During this show, the 7 year old is shoving in mashed potatoes as if they are candy.  He is also unaware of his older brother sprinkling a healthy shot of salt and pepper on his freshly buttered roll.  Lovely.  Suddenly 2 year old wants to eat his corn on the cob....WITH THE kernel at a time.  This might have seemed like a good idea in his head, but as he stabbed each kernel, he promptly flicked it off the cob into space, all the while staring at his fork in bewilderment wondering where the corn went.  After about 6 kernels, he gave up and went back to his butter.  One container had fallen onto the floor, and mom was happy to pick it up and give it back to him. 

Needless to say, we left before desert time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Children in restaurants....

If there is one thing that is extremely annoying, and in my top 10 Pet Peeves, it is an unruly kid in a restaurant.  Right behind that is their parents.  A child having a temper tantrum, running through the eatery, throwing food, standing on the chairs, you name it, will surely send my blood pressure into the outer limits.  

As I watch these heathens reek havoc on the surrounding patrons, I also watch the parents who either choose to ignore this behavior (evidently in the hopes they will stop), or they make some half assed attempt at dicipline ( I use that term extremely loosely).  "Now honey, we don't throw food across the room"..."sweety, please stop, please?".....or my favorite, while they are laughing "now really, do we have to do this?"  WTF????  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  

I'm not the perfect parent by any means.  However, I will say that my 10 year old has known how to behave in a restaurant since before he was 2.  In all of his short 10 years of existance, I personally have only had to swat his hand or butt less than half a dozen times.  And honestly, it wasn't anything that inflicted pain, but it was the element of surprise.  Follow that up with the look of complete and unwavering seriousness, and POOF....the child knows not only who is boss, but knows not to repeat the action again.  And the best part is, one day, this ability to listen and do what he is told immediately, could save his life.

Here is the problem as I see it.....parents (if you want to call them that) have bought into the new age idea, (I call it a fad idea) that there is a kinder, gentler way of raising children.  Somehow some idiot has managed to publish a book on how to talk to children, and the power of persuasion....the 'no hit' method.  Ok, ok, now lets back up a step or 2.

I am a product of an abusive childhood.  Yes, both of my parents were mentally and physically abusive.  HOWEVER I made a choice when when I had my son that I was not going to continue their behavior.  I made a CHOICE.  Just like the other 'parents' did.  I believe that children want and need guidence, they want and need dicipline, and they want and need to know where the boundaries are, with clear definition.  There should be no grey area, and they should know that if they are told once, and make a concious choice to disobey, then the resulting consequences will be swift and sure.  No wavering, no stalling.  Immediate and with authority.  Children today know that if they have a tantrum that mom or dad won't do a thing but give them what they want because they don't want to cause a scene, or raise a child that might be disappointed for a minute or 2...not to mention all the video happy assholes who think they need to tape everything they see and then publish it on the internet screaming about how the star of the show (the parent) is abusive and should not be allowed to have children.  What they don't realize is they have created a generation of bratty, spoiled know-it-alls who have know idea what it means to be disappointed, or to earn a spot on the team based on skill, or how to WORK (gods forbid) for that car, cell phone, ipod, or whatever.  

No, I do NOT agree with abuse.  Why would I?  I believe in education, guidence, and life lessons.  How else will they deal with the big, bad world?  We are creating kids who won't know how to deal with failure, or loss.  We are creating job security for all of the head doctors, because every one of these kids will be in therapy because someone told them NO and they can't handle it.  Not to mention these kids will be the ones taking care of us when we get we really want a bunch of germaphobic, lazy, bratty, unruly adults wiping our asses and purreeing our pees?  I don't know about you, but I hope I don't live long enough for that to happen, because quite honestly, I don't trust your kids.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


So we've arrived here in Mobile, AL and well, I guess I was expecting more.  However, I believe the recession has again struck hard.  Shopping plazas that were projected to be something great, are mere shells.  Nothing in them, or only a store or 2 barely hanging on.  Sad, really.  There is, what I call anyway, a 'high end' shopping plaza that seems to be doing fairly well.  It has several shops I've never heard of, and many I have.  We went there last night be3cause its fun not only to shop there, but a good area to get our nightly exercise in.  I'd like to go there this evening to try and get my hair cut.  Yeah, I'm trying to grow it out, but it needs a bit of work.

We also found an outlet mall today, and it was ok.  But outlet malls are all the same....same shops, same sales.  We are finding out that the 'high end' malls are so much better.  No, we may not be able to afford most of the things they offer, but the things we can buy are so much better in quality that its well worth the money.  So, slowly but surely we are rebuilding our wardrobe.  Dillards has nice shirts for the DH, at good prices when they are on sale.  Sorry, I can't pay $85 for a shirt, but I can do $35.  I can also do $20 for a good t-shirt.  

Anyway, maybe I'm being a snob, but at this point I can't go back to shopping at WalMart....not for clothes, anyway.  So, at the moment I'll keep going to those 'high end' areas, and a little at a time I'll build me a good stock of outfits.  Same for the DH.  Hell, if we're gonna be out here for the next 3 years, we may as well dress nice and take advantage of the bargains when we find them.  

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder certain things?  Like, why is there brail on a drive-up ATM?  Or, if a deaf person went on trial, is it still called a 'hearing'?  

Seriously, while on our walk today, I noticed a lot of odd objects along the side of the road.  Now, I have posed this question to the DH before, with no real answer, so I'll ask my faithful readers...

How is it, whether it be along a lonely road, in town, or along the interstate, you only see one of something.  For example, one shoe, or one glove.  A ball cap, or a sock.  Why is that?  Where is the mate?  And for the god's sakes, how did it get OUT of the car/truck and onto the road to begin with?  Are people on their way to the nudist camp whilst wildly flinging clothes out the window?  Or are they doing the 'deed', again, flinging clothes as they go?  How does this happen???  Anyone?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Being spoiled, a dead town, and possibly other musings

So once again, I haven't blogged in forever...please accept my apologies.

Currently, we are in Perry, FL....I think at one time this town was actually something to see, however, it's time has gone. Like any other small town in America, it has suffered from the recession. However, I think it was suffering long before that. The motel we are staying at is clean, and somewhat spacious. Thats really all I can say about it. We drove around Perry (took about 5 minutes due to a stop light or 2) and landed at WalMart. That was our entertainment. We also ate at the infamous Golden Corral...HA!! I can say I've never been in one that was designed quite like this one. We almost had to search for the cashier, and evidently there is a 2 plate per person maximum. We wanted more salad and had to locate our own plates. Not to mention that every waitress (all over the age of 50) seemed stuck in 1985, or, at least their hair was. Thank the gods their make-up didn't reflect said genre. And I also find it funny how every waiter/waitress in the south seems shocked and on the line of appauled when you order UNSWEET tea....LMAO

Anyway, we are only here for one night, then moving on 
after we test 10 people (that will take about 10 min). We start testing at 0700, however we need to be there at 0630,and we should be outta there by 0800. Then we drive 195 miles and a time zone change to Panama City, FL. Again, another fast job of 10 people. Then, thanx to our scheduler who seems to not look at where things are located when he books them, we are traveling 85 miles BACK the direction we just came from and going to Talahassee, FL for a whopping 14 people. I'm so glad I don't have to pay for the gas on these adventures!! LOL Thursday and Fr
iday we'll be in Alabama, another time change...I swear (alot) I'm going to be so screwy by the end of the week I won't know what time zone I'm in!!

Now, on to being spoiled. Generaly speaking, I'm low maintenance. However, my wonderful DH has launched me into another world on this trip. A
s much as I kick and scream, I have fallen victim to some points of the high maintenance world. Every 2 weeks I go in and get my nails done. Yes, they are acryli
c, and quite a thing to get used to, especially when typing. Another point I have fallen into is make-up. Not saying I never wore any, I just tended to slap it on in a hurry and go with it. Not any more. I went to a store called Sephora, where the girl plopped me in a chair, handed me a round cotton pad about 2 inches in diameter with a blue goop on it, and said, "wipe this on your eyelids, get off the make up you have on", ok. She then handed me another pad with a clea
r liquid on it and said "wipe this over your face and get t
he rest of your make-up off". I will give her credit, she was very nice. After removing the mud from home, she put some wonderful lotion on my face, which greatly reduced the redness (possible rosacia) that I get every time I wash. It felt really nice, too. Soothing, even. I made a mental note to purchase the make-up remover and moisturizer. She then went to work on me, taking the time to give me a basic 'play by play' so I would know what to do when left to my own devices. As you can probably assume, that wonderful (not) woman who gave birth to me never showed
 me the proper way to apply make-up, or how to dress like a woman. There are many other 'girl' things she never explained, either, which I had to find out how to deal with and how to handle on my own. Anyway, when all was said and done, I have to admit I looked really good, and not like a gooped up clown. By the time I left the store, I had a bag full of products.  Today I put my knew knowledge to the test, and guess what? Much to my surprise, I came out looking just like I did yesterday....WOOT! DH also bought me some new
ey were on sale at Aeropostle for $10, regular price $40, not a bad deal if you ask me.

In other news, time seems to just be flying by. Seems the weeks just begin when they are over. I keep telling people its like getting paid to be on vacation. I get to travel all over, meet new people and see new places.   One girl in the nail salon said "wow, I go to the same building, the same cubicle, and look at the same computer everyday!"  All I could
 think was "Your choice."  

Anyway, 20 Apr 09 is my youngest son's 10th birthday.  So I'd like to say 


I'll also say, I still wonder how Benjamin is doing, although no news has been posted, I assume he is still where I sent him, and still ok.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reality Bites

I've been away for awhile, I know. I know that it sucks to check someone's blog everyday only to see that they just aren't writing. I however, have an excuse...I think. Seems I'm full of those lately, lol. Anyway, work has been crazy, although easy. Short days, nice people at the jobs. I guess its just that the DH and I have been just filling our time off with other things. Shopping, playing mini-golf, we went to a movie, etc. So what I'm saying is, by the time we make it back to the motel, I am pooped. Even if its at a decent hour, I am mentally drained.

I was going to blog about my thoughts on people who abuse animals...for example, Michael Vik. I had a whole 2 notebook pages on the subject. Hell, I even joined a group on Facebook concerning the cause. However, right now, whilst I write this, I have nothing to say on the matter.

Tonight we are staying right on Daytona Beach. I guess I never realized how old this place really is. I mean, it is really dated. I'm talking from the 1950s. There is a stretch, about 2 miles worth I guess, that I believe has the same paint on the buildings from when they were 1950. :p Kinda nostalgic, in a way. The old hotels, the old gift shops, etc. Probably a real cool place in its day. Don't get me wrong, there is a n ewer part that sports all the new clubs, bars, hotels, condos, etc. But this end is much cooler, more interesting. jmo.

In other news, we are going to head back north to Jacksonville to drop the trailer at the maintenance shop, the rig at its spost for maintenance, DH to the Cardiologist for a check-up, then up to NC to see my dad for 2 days. After that we'll be in the panhandle of FL, and in AL to finish out April.

Its funny, DH asked me the other day if I missed being home, or if there was anything I missed from home. I miss my animals...the dogs and chickens. I miss knowing that about now I'd be picking out seeds for the garden. I kinda miss being on my own schedule. However, I DO NOT miss the cold weather they are having. I don't miss the family drama. I don't miss being broke half the time. I like traveling around out here. I like finding new stores, new trinkets, new restaurants. I like all the people I meet. I can say we've met some real characters! Its been pretty cool, and quite a bit of fun! So over all, what I miss from home is outweighed by the fun things out here on the road. I can say, I miss my dogs the most. I think about them daily.

Anyway, it may be a few days before I'm able to blog again...time with dad and all. So until I write again...have a good weekend! :)