It was crazy! lol, lets see, where to start....
Ok so Friday I was doing stuff outside..fixing stuff in the chicken coop, mowing/trimming, spraying for bugs, working on/in the basement, little stuff like that. Then I got a call from my SIL asking me to come help her get stuff set up for the poker run. No problem, I went there and supervised, moved a table, and filled a couple coolers, that was it, LOL. Then I went and picked up the DH. Let me explain the poker run.
SIL decided a few months ago to do an antique tractor poker run. Cool idea, and a mouthful to say, but I thought, why not? So she has been planning and getting things together for that, which occured on this past Sat, the 20th. Cool! It was about 30 miles long, with 5 stops, (2 of which were her house the start/finish). There were supposed to be 13 tractors, but there ended up being 7. There was supposed to be 53 people, there ended up being 28. But over all, it was a good turn out for the first one! It started at 1030, with registration til 1130. Then we all rolled out (7 tractors, 2 pulling hay racks for us 'non drivers')at about noon. After all the stops, and messing around along the way, we got back around 5pm. She wanted it to last into the night, but everyone was so tired from being drunk and in the sun all day, by 7 it was over, lol. Again, it was still fun and not bad for the first run. I think next year will be better!
SIL: this pic got chopped for some reason, she is the one on the far right of the pic
So then, on Sunday, DH decided we would go to Peoria and mess around. So that was an all day affair, lol. I was so pooped by Sunday evening!! Then on Monday, I piddled around here, went to Burlington with the DH, then took him to work. I came home and did 4 loads of laundry, and CRASHED, lol.
I do want to pass on a bit about a new book I just started reading. Its by Stephanie Meyer, and its called Twilight. Its the first in a series, and is supposed to be really good. It falls in line with the vampire theme that I like, and am looking forward to reading it!!
Glad you had a good weekend and I LOVE that pic of you!!!
Thanx know how bad I want my hair to grow back out! lol
Your hair is growing fine hon & it's a lovely pic of you :-)
Dig the t-shirt!
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