Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More updates

Things here on the home-front are not so good.

First, yes, the stepson is going to be a dad. They've been having sex, oops, I mean "dating" for 8 weeks.....she is 8 weeks pregnant. So, now that I've simmered down a bit (after giving him a solid piece of my mind on the matter) I'm going to sit back and watch. Nothing more I can do.

In other news, hubby's dad was scheduled for neck surgery today. They've known for a month it would be today, so originally, it was no big deal. Routine. That is, until hubby's mom has to be taken to the emergency room the day prior to his surgery. Why? Something called Siatica (thats not how its spelled, but I'm close). Basically, she has a pinched nerve in her hips. This comes from 40 years of being a secretary and not doing much standing, then retiring and standing and going 'hard' all at once for the first year. This pinched nerve decided to have a royal fit, causing her to be in severe, debilitating pain. She couldn't move, and could barely talk from the pain. So off she went to the ER. Her hubs took her, brought her home, took her back again because the pain meds they gave her weren't touching it. So he took her back, got her good and loopy, then brought her home. At that time, her best friend came to spend the night with her. Father in law then picks up his eldest and only daughter and off they go for the 2 hour drive to Springfield. Today, we get a call that she needs to get home because her hubs is having a cow. ALso because nobody will be able to get her son off to daycare (its about 100 yards down the street and her hubs is completely incompitent in these issues). So, since the other sibling are "just too busy" here we are. Me, hubs, and son, all in a hotel in Springfield, IL. Lovely way to spend my vacation and precious time with my son. *sigh*

On top of it all, we actually had to call the youngest sibling who lives 1 1/2 miles away to tell him and his wife "go check on mom" because she didn't take her meds on time and was again in horrible pain. So they go over, and wife and best friend end up taking her back to the ER. I just got a text from my hubs saying things were fine with his dad, but not so with his mom. Thats all I know. I'm 2 hours from home, no car, in a hotel, with no news. Hows that for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year???? I soooo wish his other 2 sibs would just take some sort of responsibility here. What if we weren't here to take the reins??? And they say we're the bad ones? The black sheep? These 2 sibs, 2 younger brothers, the older of the 2 was the first 'born' to his mom and dad, since hubs and older sis were adopted. So he is considered "chosen by god". Then, the youngest, well, of course he is the Baby and will never be made to have responsibility or to be held accountable for his actions. That leaves hubs and his sis. But they'll always make an excuse for the other 2 (mom and dad will, anyway).

So there you have it. My final week of vacation in a nutshell.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


An update on the stepson front....

It all was so confusing, until we went to pick him up. Once in the car, we pounded him with questions for 4 hours. Here is what we know:

They've been dating for 2 months.

She had only been on the pill for 2 weeks.

Her parents told him he doesn't have to pay for any prenatal Dr. visits.

She is supposedly going to keep it, and finish school, with her grandmother babysitting.

He 'says' he is joining the military, and yet when I asked "Are you going to send money to her for child support?" He looked away and wouldn't answer.

She has a Dr. appointment on Monday.

Today, he will announce his delima to the family here...yes, all of the bible thumping hypocrits will hear of his fuck up. Merry Fucking Christmas everyone!!

We don't anticipate them staying together much longer. Hubs is giving them 2 months, which means he probably won't see his own baby, and we won't see it, either. Stepson isn't being made to be held accountable for his actions, so its no wonder he doesn't show concern. This is how kids are being raised these days.

So, I'll keep things updated here as I know them.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

You're kidding, right????

Thats what I wanted to ask my stepson, who will be 18 in 2 months. Are you fucking kidding me? You got your girlfriend PREGNANT??? Seriously??? I couldn't believe it. And his dad asked him "why didn't you tell me?" His answer was "well, its awkward" No, its not. You simply say "dad, I think I got my girlfriend pregnant" and then he would say "where was the birth control?" and we all have a nice discusssion. You don't lie about taking her to the doctor with the "I have to work" excuse. You just say it, straight up.

Ok, so thats my rant. We find out today that its about a 99% possiblity that she is preggers. How do we know that for sure? Well, here is the lame story he is telling us....

She hasn't had her monthly cycle for 2 months. She took an At Home Test this past Sunday. The test was positive. She's been puking for a month or more. Her mom took her to the doctor because she thought it was Mono. Doctor said "No, but she might be pregnant" . All families have discussed it (minus us, of course, guess we don't count) and have concluded that she will go to the doctor on Tuesday. Stepson will take her for the test. When asked about birth control, he said "I used a condom".....uh huh. "I guess it didn't work"......um, WHAT??? NO, thats not acceptable. *sigh*

Ok ok, I'm not surprised. I guess I'm just more pissed off that he didn't say a single word. I'm also pissed because, should this come to pass, I know that A) he is going to totally fuck this up, B) DH will not get to see his grand-baby, like .....ever, C) his whole future is fucked up, and D) he's more than likely going to be that guy who lives in his mom's basement with his girlfriend and kid. How fucking pathetic. This kid has his problems, no doubt. He's supposedly been diagnosed with ADHD, but I never bought it. His mother has ruined him beyond imagine. He's stayed with me for a month and not one day was he on his medication. He followed my rules, ate my food, and did what he was told when he was told to do it. His mother has fucked him up royal, obviously.

So what am I going to do? Nothing. We go to get him tomorrow evening, and take him back Monday morning, I believe. Its always stressful for me when he comes, has been for 10 years. This time I'm going to try to just stay the hell away...or at least keep my mouth shut. we'll see what happens.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting rid of drama

For 30 years (or more) I have put up with more shit than I care to think about from my immediate family. Between my mother setting me up for beatings from my father, to the mental abuse she loved to impart on me, to the backstabbing from both her and my sister. It wasn't until about 5 years ago when I called them out on it, and just the past year or 2 that I decided enough was enough.

At the beginning of 09 I washed my hands of the woman who gave birth to me (aforementioned as 'mother'), and as of today, I have washed my hands of my sister. Many people ask "What about your dad? He kicked your as daily!" Yes, he did. But guess what.....he admits it. He acknowledges it and I know somewhere deep down he regrets it. The other 2? HA!! Not a chance. They will not admit to stealing from my grandmother, or from me. They will not admit to backstabbing me, or lieing to me. If you ask them, they have done nothing wrong and that I'm the psycho liar.

I won't bore you with the details. We've been down that road. Today I washed my hands, my life, of her and her ex husband, and her boyfriend. I am done with them all. I speak on a regular basis with my father, although I don't trust him enough to tell him anything of importance. There are 3 people I trust with my life, and thats it. None of them are related to me by blood. Sad, isn't it?

Point being, the drama from them is over. I feel, as I did with the bitch, that a weight has been lifted. I feel sorry for my niece, but by her attitude when talking to me, I can only imagine the atrocities my sister has told her about me. Its really too bad. However, from now on, I have a father....nobody else except The Handler, the hubs, and my high school girlfriend. Thats it for me.

On a happier note, hope everyone has a great season, and here's one for the New Year!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It happened

Yep, we're moving territories. Over the last week or 2, after my initial temper tantrum, I've come to the conclusion that Karma will help me on this one. I've been ytrying to see the good in the move, and that has helped as well.

If you look at a map of the USA, and find I-80 which runs from Chicago, IL to Salt Lake City, Utah. You will also see that I-70 runs from St. Louis, MO to Richmond, UT. Its a big rectangle, and that is our basic new territory. Yes, there will be towns/cities slightly outside of those areas, but thats the general area.

I'm looking forward to new sites, seeing old friends (from Jr. High[8th grade]!), hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, and a variety of other things. I was born in Colorado, and lived there til I was 13. I do look forward to going there again. I've been several times, but only for a day or 3, nothing long term. I miss it. The one thing I'm not looking forward to is the cold and snow. Bleh.

So, when I get home this coming week, I'll spend time going through all of my winter clothes, seeing what still fits, and what I've 'outgrown' . It will also let me play with my new toy!

I need lots of practice, as its not romotely the same as shooting a gun, but I'm having fun working on it!

So, in conclusion, the weasel got us booted out of our plush beach digs. Karma is already coming around, though. It seems that he's received quite a bit of flack from someone (or maybe more than one) because he told us the company will pay for the UHAUL trailer we will need to haul all of our crap home. They are also paying for the hitch we have to buy that needs fitted to the car in order to pull said trailer with the Buick. He also had no problem talking about moving us before, yet now he 'doesn't want to talk about it'. So, how are things going to go at the annual meetings? I'll let you know when it happens. Until then, I'll keep playing with my new toy, buying camo clothing, and working on my plans for the final dream. Explaination of that to follow in another blog.