Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So I haven't posted here in a few days, its funny how life can just run off with you and not stop.

Anyway, I had a rough day on Friday. As most know , I have...had...a Mastiff. He was my baby. I simply love the bully breeds, and Mastiffs are my absolute favorites. Anywho, my life is starting to take a turn in an unknown direction. So I've had to make some decissions that I don't like. The Brat in me has had to be put in the corner and told to be quiet. I have had to put away my selfish desires and do what is best for my life as a whole. THat meant and means getting rid of some of my animals.

Ben, the Mastiff, will be 2 in Dec. He is still a puppy for another year, even at 200lbs. I just didn't have the time for him and wanted something more for him. So I called a friend in Wisconsin who has trained and titled dogs in the past and asked her if she wanted him. Not just to train in a working capacity, but as a companion as well. She was delighted. Friday she drove down to pick him up.

It was a sad day, as I really love that dog. But I know in my heart of hearts he is in a way better environment, and is so smart that he will thrive with her. SHe has the time, energy, and means to do all kinds of things with him, so for that, I am happy.

I must change topics now before I cry again....

In other news, I got the wig fixed for my costume, and all of the other components in place. The only thing I need to do is get some white contact paper and cut out the T-Birds logo for the back of the DH's leather jacket. I have been racking my brain all month trying to figure out how I was going to get that on there without ruining the jacket, or making it look cheap, and this morning it dawned on me...contact paper! LOL I can cut out the logo, put it on the jacket and just peel it off at the end of the night...no harm to the jacket! (sometimes I have these brilliant ideas and they just floor me for days rofl)

In other news, I think today I am going to get some 'excess' stuff out of the shed and garage, take pics of it and post it for sale on Craigslist or eBay. I have chicken stuff, dog stuff, etc that I'm not using anymore that can be better used with someone else, and I can sure use the cash! lol

Yesterday I took some time for me and went shopping. I got the contact paper, and bought a new sweater. I finished the DH's jacket last night, and managed to have time to watch some tv and sit in the hot tub.

To resolve the mystery, DH and I are dressing up for Halloween as Danny and Sandy from the movie GREASE.

Here is the skirt I made:


I'll post the jacket later.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Crazy life

Yeah, I know, my past posts have been pretty somber, and not fun to read. I think we all go through 'down' times, and that was just my way of getting through it.

Not that any of you care, but things around here are getting exciting. BUT....I can't go into it right now as I don't want to jinx it. But lets just say that the DH and I are turnaing over a new leaf. We have opened up with each other way more, accepted things that we weren't sure about, and both of us just decided that we aren't perfect and thats ok. We have spent the last 7 years not communicating very well, and assuming things....we've also just been 'existing' in our marriage. That has all changed. Communication and acceptance are the key, and we are both the better for it. We are more relaxed around each other, more able to be ourselves with no fear of being teased, ridiculed, laughed at, or thought of as anything but perfect. Its like a huge weight being lifted off of not only each of us personally, but suddenly our marriage is somehow more 'free'.

Yeah, some of you are saying WTF?? but I don't care. My priority is my marriage, and the fun times to come. So stay tuned, as I will be leaking information in small bits throughout the near future! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

- Christina Milian Lyrics

Nickelback...Figured You Out

Oh boy does this apply...LOL (I know...you have NO idea what I'm talking about)

- Nickelback Lyrics

Fall Yard Art

I got a wild hair and decided to make some scarecrows yesterday. Initially it was just gonna be the typical type, but then I decided to make our family...

DH and me:






overall view:


Not sure if I'm going to do anything else,...I thought of trying to make a likeness of the dogs, but I'm not that artistic! LOL

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Gone~ The surprise of our phone call
The anticipation of your arrival

Gone~ The comfort of your company
The pleasure of your conversation

Gone~ The fire you ignited deep within
The desire I thought was lost

Gone~ The warmth of your smile
The sound of your laughter

Gone~ You from my life

Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images
Touch the Darkness

Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The Pit of Dispair is an ominous black hole~
Stand too close, and you can feel the pain and heartache~
Gaze too long and you will lose your balance and fall in.

One cannot, must not lingre too close or too long~
Lest its tendrals enwrap your soul only to release its icey grip to Death himself.

Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images
Touch the Darkness

Seven Year Anniversary

Can you believe it? We've made it 7 years! LOL...I know, I know, for some of you that is nothing, and I really envy you! We had a great weekend...DH kept me in the dark as to where we were going, but it was a wonderful suprise!

He took me to Lake of the Ozarks! We went on Sat (4 hour drive, ugh) and got there around noon. Spent the rest of the day at the awsome outlet mall. No, I didn't buy a ton of stuff, but it was really fun trying on clothes, wondering around with no time line, and just enjoying the day.

We then went to the resort hotel...WOW!! I tell ya, if you have the money to own a condo on this resort, you would never have to leave the grounds! Gym, pool, golf course, 5 restaurants, gift shops, and other types of recreation. When we went for supper, they took us there on a golf cart, lol...and then picked us up in one! The driver told us "If you want us to drive you around the grounds all night, we'll do it." WOW, lol....must be nice to live like that all the time, lol.



I found a really nice candle, had a great breakfast buffet on Sun morning, got some costume jewelry for my dresses, and a couple of purses. We also found some clothes for our nephew really cheap from Gap, and I found some shirts, as well. Then on the way home, we stopped at a place called "Nostalgia Ville, USA". Now, anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE the movie GREASE. It is one of my all time favorite movies, and stopping at this store got me a Pink Ladies jacket, as well as a shirt with the same writing. Its an awsome store, and it gave me some really great sewing ideas! I tried to convice the DH that for Halloween we could go as Danny and Sandy from the movie...he actually liked the idea!!! woohoo! (gotta get to making that poodle skirt!)

Over all, it was a wonderful time...OH! I almost forgot....On Monday, after my Dr. appointment, I had told the DH that I wanted to go to a corn maze...he picked I think one of the biggest ones in the area! For those of you that have never heard of such a thing, its basically a human maze cut in a corn field. Folks around here take great pride in their mazes, and this was no exception. This particular one covered a 10 acre spot, and when you looked at it from the air, it said "Harvest Memories" and had a tractor pulling a hay rack loaded with pumpkins from a barn with sylos. All of it was connected and you were given a map to help you. The girl told us it would take 45 min to an hour...we did it in 30 min! hehe, we had a blast! Then we got some pepper jelly and a small decatiave sleigh at the gift shop. On the way home we stopped and had supper at our favorite mexican food place, and then stopped at the BIL's to visit. Whew!! The weather was great, and I was glad we got to do so much. Tuesday, when I took the DH back to work, it rained ALL DAY. ugh. I went to the dentist, and ended up on the couch for the rest of the day.

Today is back to the grind....finish processing apples, which will probably take all day, and after that, if I have time I need to process the pork and beef. THAT takes a long time in the pressure cooker...90 minutes!! Not sure I'll have enough jars for that, but if not, I'm not terribly upset, lol.