Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am

**I am better than you think

**I am not what most people believe me to be

**I am true to my roots, and more

**I am world wise

**I am more than what most remember

**I am not what some have made me out to be

**I am loud

**I am sometimes silly

**I am a lover of animals

**I am a believer in what is fair

**I am open-minded

**I am short-fused

**I am determined

**I am sometimes lazy

**I am not a whore, or a liar, as some like to think

**I am not stupid

**I am adventurous

**I am a lover of getting dirty, gardening, and reading

**I am sometimes impatient

**I am for fighting for what is right

**I am not for useless violence

**I am a master of the game

**I am a mom

**I am a biker

**I am a strong woman

**I am afraid of snakes

**I am a farmer, a hunter, and a fisher

**I am a cook


Sunday, October 18, 2009

No regrets

Recently I posted on my FaceBook page that I have no regrets, just disappointments. And that is true. I never regret anything I've done in my life. Its all been a learning experience. Some are good, and some aren't so good. I learned with one of my most recent experiences that although people change, sometimes its not for the better. Or, its not quite what you expected.

I knew that 20 years would change a person. I figured they would grow with their life; mature yet stay with their root personality. I figured there would still be some of the 'same 'ol person' still showing through. But sadly, this was not the case. Instead I found something different all together.

I found a moody, and seemingly selfish and disconnected person. They didn't want to hear any of what I had to say, and would be so obvious about it. Not looking at me, not answering questions, or just flat out walking away in mid-sentence. Yet would proceed to beat a topic into the ground when they were talking. They were right, of course, due to their college education. Nevermind the real world experience I was speaking from. How I stood witness to what I was talking about, meant nothing. And they wouldn't let it go....hours later, they would come to me still driving home their point, or their 'knowledge'. I blew it off. I chose to let it go.

I felt as if they were trying to instigate a heated debate, or argument with me, and I refuse to do this. I've known this person for 25 years. Or so I thought. I actually have only known them for 4 years. The other 21 are a mystery. I'm not sure what happened to that original individual, but they are lost. I think they have chosen to forget that part of their life. And that is fine, but to completely change your personality? *sigh* Its sad.

I didn't want a lecture on things I already knew about. I know what I'm getting into with the events in my life, and just because you choose not to like the same things I like, or have the lifestyle I have, or are choosing to leave all aspects behind, does not mean you should tell me what I can or can't do, what I do or don't like, or that there is no way I could or should do things. I find that very aggravating. Disheartening even. Not what I expected, or wanted. *double sigh*

All I can say is......


Sunday, October 11, 2009


I hate it.

Ever notice when you're trying to just go along, live you life, and mind your own business, DRAMA seems to follow you around like an annoying fly? It does to me. Just when I thought "Ok, I've got this pretty cool job that has me away from home, and away from the drama" BAM! Here it is!! DRAMA!!! ggggrrrr

I just wish that people would get the help they need (mentally) and realize their pathalogical lieing does nothing but make them look bad. It hurts their children. Their denial only makes it all worse. If you are told not only by a professional but also by your boss that you need therapy, then I'd say you need therapy. Yet, you insist that nobody knows what they are talking about. You show no remorse for your actions, no concience for those you hurt. You don't care about anyone but you. You SAY you care about your child, but its all a front to make you look like the good person. You'll do anything, and say anything to make yourself look good. And you don't stop there, oh no. You continuously bash those who you can't control, those that you believe have betrayed you, those who have a different opinion or who have the ability to prove your every move and lie to be wrong. Those who throw reality in your face are immediately condemmed to hell, told they are wrong, and then threatened with bodily harm. You then proceed to accuse them of atrocities that do not fit their character at all. And you also bash and spread rumors about anyone they associate with. Anyone who does not believe you, or conform you your lies and your lifestyle.

All of this, you bring on me. You seem to think that I am a complete idiot and naive to your ways. I have known you since the day you were born....32 years to be exact. I have watched you scheme and lie against me. I have watched you plot your ways, plot against people, including me. I've bore witness to your manipulation of your elders. One you have swayed to the point of no return. Another I believe I have made to see your ways, your lies, and your deception. I can only hope.

I have pushed you out, and yet you believe that "all is ok" only because I show concern for your child. You lie to me at every turn. Well, keep lieing. Keep thinking that I am stupid and that I believe your lies. Karma has a way of coming around, and it will find you. Of that I am certain.

So, until that time, I must sit and endure the drama. *Where is that damn private island when I need it?*

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A wonderful dream....

So there I am, sitting around, when suddenly the hubs says to me "How would you like to own an island? " ......"WHAT???"

And there he was, reading and researching owning a private island. Some cost more than others, some are bigger than others, and it all depends on what type of climate you want as to where they are.

Now comes the "How would we live?"......completely "off the grid". By that I mean, no electricity, no gas, nothing. We would live a total self sufficient lifestyle. Grow a garden, raise animals for milk, eggs, and meat. If there were other "wild things" on the island, we could hunt/trap as well. We would trap the rain water, and utilize any other natural springs on the island for hydro-power. Cooking over a fire, the whole bit. We would go to the main land about once a week if needed, mainly for mail and to sell any extra veggies; need money for gas for the boat!! LOL We would also sell stuff for other things like the tools for canning/preserving food, and as funny as it sounds, things like toothpaste and other sundries. Beyond that, we would be the only humans on the island. True Crusoe!!!

Will this happen? Oh how I would love it if it did!! IF, and I say again,....IF it happens, it will be a few years down the road. Don't need to rush into it and end up screwed. But can you imagine???

Could you do it????

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Handicapped....who is and who isn't?

I travel for a living.....I sit in restaurants, go to malls, and eat breakfast in motels. I see lots of people.

I witness more than most, and one of the biggest things I see are people 'feigning' a handicap. Just yesterday, whilst sitting and eating my breakfast, I watched a man walk down the hall of the motel, cane in hand. He wasn't carrying it like a stick, but pretending to use it. As in, it was moving with him, but he wasn't actually leaning on it. He walked to the table, leaned his cane on the chair, then walked around getting his breakfast....no limping, nothing. Walking perfectly normal. He turned and saw me looking, then limped a bit to his chair. Pitiful.

More than once, I see the car parked in the handicap spot at the store, and yes, they have a sticker or plaquard in the window stating they are handicapped. I watch them jump out of the car and run into the store. Not sure what the handicap there is, but evidently they are in some form or fashion.

I guess it just really bothers me to see legitimately handicapped people having to park 5 miles away, or they can't sit where there is room, they are forced to squeeze in where ever.

Someone please explain why people do this.......lazy maybe? Attention whores? Most likely. I wish they'd get over themselves and get on with life. Sad.