Saturday, October 3, 2009

Handicapped....who is and who isn't?

I travel for a living.....I sit in restaurants, go to malls, and eat breakfast in motels. I see lots of people.

I witness more than most, and one of the biggest things I see are people 'feigning' a handicap. Just yesterday, whilst sitting and eating my breakfast, I watched a man walk down the hall of the motel, cane in hand. He wasn't carrying it like a stick, but pretending to use it. As in, it was moving with him, but he wasn't actually leaning on it. He walked to the table, leaned his cane on the chair, then walked around getting his limping, nothing. Walking perfectly normal. He turned and saw me looking, then limped a bit to his chair. Pitiful.

More than once, I see the car parked in the handicap spot at the store, and yes, they have a sticker or plaquard in the window stating they are handicapped. I watch them jump out of the car and run into the store. Not sure what the handicap there is, but evidently they are in some form or fashion.

I guess it just really bothers me to see legitimately handicapped people having to park 5 miles away, or they can't sit where there is room, they are forced to squeeze in where ever.

Someone please explain why people do this.......lazy maybe? Attention whores? Most likely. I wish they'd get over themselves and get on with life. Sad.


Jayne said...

Personally, I reckon its laziness more than anything. If I were in any kind of law enforcement I'd execute every single bad driver in the Middle East & make those who feign handicaps, live a week in the life of a quadraplegic or something & let them REALLY know what its like to have a disability.

(climbs off soap box)

The Handler said...

I saw a Goldwing parked in a handicap spot the other day and yes it had a handicaped placard taped to the windshield. How handicaped can you be if you are riding a Goldwing? Maybe they were menatly handicaped.

Jayne said...

The Handler - trust me, you gotta be mentally challenged to ride a GoldWing!

'Tracey Garner said...

My mom has MS and can't walk around a store for more than 5 minutes. It gets me to see all the scooters taken up with 500 lb people in them. She didn't ask to have MS, but you can step away from the food. I am not tiny, but I know my limit.