Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy season....

Isn't it amazing how the worse the weather gets, the busier we seem to be? Maybe its just me, but people travel more, see family more, shop more, etc. Obviously because of Christmas, but why wait til the weather is absolutely horrid before you go somewhere? I don't get it, but then again, I'm a cynic who doesn't really care to see much of my "out of state family".

My point is, I've been busy. I've been sewing...yes, sewing...and have made my husband a nice pair of flannel pajama pants, and am working on a fleece onsie type outfit for the child-not-yet-born to my sister in law. That was hubby's idea. I think I'm regretting it. Although I can sew the basics...a blanket (not hard) or a pillow covering, I haven't worked with a pattern since the 8th grade. Giving away my age, that was.....(counting on my fingers)....24 years ago. So, you can imagine me standing at my kitchen table staring at pattern pieces, and instructions with the look of bewilderment on my face. I remembered a few things from Home-economics class....iron the pattern pieces before cutting them out; pin them on the fabric; make sure the fabric is folded right sides together; make sure the fabric is wrinkle-free; etc. Part of my problem is not that I lack the sewing machine or thread, but that I lack things like pinking shears, and the roller-thing to mark the pattern to the fabric. For those of you that sew, you know what I mean. I also lack the marking pen, or chalk, a proper pin cushion, cutting board thing, and I'm sure a host of other acuterments. But, to my credit, I do alright. Although I cannot for the life of me understand why I need to cut those edge triangles....oh well.

So, I've managed to put up 3 trees....computer room tree, kitchen tree, and living room tree. Last year we had 7 (or was it 6?) but that was mainly because we were having a Christmas Eve gathering at our house. We had about 25-30 people here, all wandering around looking at them all. Of course, each had a theme. The boys' room was "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles", our bedroom was the Lodge look, the upstairs bathroom had lavendar lights with elegant dragonflies on it, downstairs had the computer room tree with nothing but red and white ornaments, the kitchen tree (self explainatory) and the living room with its Americanna theme. SO I guess that makes 6 trees. On top of all that, I collect Santas. You've seen them, the kind that have all the different looks and stand anywherer from 12" tall to my tallest which is 36", unless you count my life-size one that is 6' tall. Last year he was sequestered to peeking out the basement window because we didn't want Carlo to attack him. This year, however, he might come into the house. Although where he will stand, I don't know yet. Which leads me to something else the boggles my mind....
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Why do people put up their decorations/trees after Thanksgiving? Personally, and this is just me, but we are being bombarded with Christmas stuff earlier and earlier each year, and by the time Christmas rolls around, I'm so burnt out on it I could care less about decorating. To me, having a tree up for the entire month (and then some) takes away the novelty of it. I try to wait as long as possible. I would have waited until next weekend if I could have, but we are going to be so busy then that we wouldn't have had time. We have artificial trees, and they are so big and heavy that I do need the hubby's help to get them up.
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In other news, but I guess along the same lines, we here in the midwest are in the middle of the ice-storm. Unless you live under a rock, or don't watch the news, you've seen it on TV. Lucky us. So far here in my immediate area, there haven't been any power outages. But south of us is where the major ones are. This is going to be a sucky week! In the meantime, those lucky people in the south east are having nice 70 and 80 degree days....aaahhh, the life. And I can hear all of you now "If you don't like the weather, why don't you move?" Because right now my kids are far enough away from me....I don't want them any further until they go off to college. Both of my boys (son and step-son) live 6 or more hours away. So until they get older, we aren't moving. You'll just have to suffer along with my griping about the weather.

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