Ok all you people in Bloggerland!! Once again, random thoughts and the occassional line of ranting is brought to you by....ME!!
Lets start with the movie I recently watched. Pirates of the Carribean, Dead Man's Chest. OMG, I love that movie!! I love all of the Pirates movies, and Cpt. Jack Sparrow is just....well....dreamy! Sound funny? YES! And what about that oh so hot William Turner??? Holy crap, I'd let him eat crackers in my bed any day!!! But what about the movie?? Just as good, if not better than the 2 before it. Love the story, love the scenery, love the ending!! I laughed, cried, and was completely enthralled through the entire thing. In fact, it (like the other 2) is worth watching again and again!!
Lets now move on to the book I'm reading. You guessed it, another Anne Rice book. Blood and Gold, the story of Marius, one of the oldest vampires in her chronicles. His story is beautiful, dangerous, and timeless, just as he is. In fact, all of the New Vampire Chronicles fill in the blanks so-to-speak. We wonder, during the first series, how some of these individuals came to pass. And with each reading,....Armand, Pandora, etc, we learn their story. Its awsome!! And I need not go back over the fact of how wonderful the writings of Anne Rice are. Her eloquence, and discriptiveness are impecable!!
So, what else?? Weather!! Yes, the weather is warming. HOWEVER.....there might be snow this weekend...GGGRRRR. I am SO ready for Spring!! I have seeds ready to plant, (which reminds me, I should get them in a starter pot), I have a motorcycle sitting in my den just begging to be ridden, and I have rose bushes waiting patiently to be uncovered. sigh
Yesterday I took my dogs out for their "romp". I started with my 2 Giant Schnauzers, and off we went on the 2 mile trek. On the way back, my male was all wound up....about what, I didn't know. So he was running to the creek, then back to me, etc. I didn't see my female, so I followed him to see what his issue was. There in the creek, at a bend, was my female with an Opossum. Now for those of you who have never seen one, let me explain. They look like an overgrown rat. Long snout, furry (grey/brown/white), and a tail that has no hair. Quite ugly, in fact. When threatened with a bigger animal, they "play dead", emitting a smell of rot, that is supposed to repel the preditor. Its quite effective. But don't let them fool you, they can be very mean. They raid the chicken coop, or if you have small animals out (puppies/kittens, etc) they will try to get those, too.
ANYWAY, there was my girl with the 'possum in the creek. She was looking at me like, "now what?". So I gave her the "bite" command and she instantly grabbed it and ran off. My male, however, wasn't so brave. First, he looks to my female as the Alpha, and will in no way intrude on her prize. But he isn't very "worldly" so this new 'thing' not only wasn't moving, but stunk. He didn't know what to do. My girl, however, was all about carrying this repusive thing around, so very proud of her catch!! Eventually the male decided he would bite at it, and see what would happen, but he lost interest quickly.
Now of course, I have pictures of the whole ordeal. Do you think I will post them here?? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Why you ask? Because I don't need the animal rights activists sueing me, or harrassing me on the plight of the poor Opossum. Telling the world how I take great joy to the point of taking pictures of this poor, suffering animal. So no, I will not post them here. If you want to see them, send me an email, and I'll help you out.
Moving on. The two dogs abandoned the animal, and we went home. However, I then had to get the other 2 out. My Mastiff and JRT. Now you would think that the Terrier would have jumped at the chance to check out this 'thing'. Nope, Max could have cared less. The Mastiff on the other hand, was amazed. He sniffed, barked, nudged, and pawed at it, trying to figure it out. I was laughing at his antics, the whole while marveling at how this 'gentle giant' could be so protective and curious at the same time. His body language was that of a Conquerer, but his bark was of curiosity. I studied him, making mental notes of his developing personality. Keep in mind, this 135 pound dog is still a puppy. He is only 15 months old (1 year, and 3 months, for those that can't do the math) and still has about 2 years of mental growing to do. He is such a sweet boy, and so damn strong.
I don't know if I have a rant today. I might later, but at the moment, I am relatively content. I think I will get the egg carton out, and try to start some seeds...maybe, maybe not. lol
1 comment:
I love the Pirates trilogy! Johnny Depp just seems to be a natural for the role of Cap'n Jack :-)
I soooooo envy you having dogs (135lb puppy!!) & being able to go out for walks with them *sigh* Enjoy it girl :-)
As for the bike - I sure hope your warmer weather comes soon! It's warming up nicely here & won't be too long before we're restricted to riding early morning/late evening again. Bugger! Thank you so much for visiting the HOGblog hon - I really appreciate it *hugs*
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