Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where would you live?

If given the choice, where would you live? I often think about that. Given the 'perfect' winning the lottery, or my kids being old enough to fly, etc etc.

I don't have a particular 'place' in mind. I guess I have criteria, though. I want nice weather all year round. Mid 80's for the highs during the day, and 60's-70's at night. Not terribly dry, but not raining everyday either. Lots of ground to spread out on, no real close neighbors. A place to garden, raise my animals, and have peace and quiet. A place where my actions don't infringe upon, or disturb my neighbors. A place where the only cars that come by are the ones to see me. Call me selfish, lol, but does a place really exist??

I often wonder.....ok, weatherwise, Hawaii has the closest weather pattern for what I want. Landwise....the north/northwestern states have the ground; Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, etc, but not real good for gardening. That goes to the southeastern states, and even here in the mid west. Good rich soil, not too sandy, not too much clay. Colorado, where I was born and lived for 13 years, had the mountains that I will always love. To be surrounded by them is heaven.

So I ask, does such a place really exist? And what is YOUR ideal place to live???


The Handler said...

I would have to say that I am happy where I'm at. I would like some more land but the weather is great.

Jayne said...

Anywhere except the friggin great big Sandbox I'm living in now!! My hometown in SA is close to the sea & has a great climate & I'd love to finally go home & settle down, but the politics right now are making me think twice about it. I've looked at Spain & Turkey & am planning an extended trip to the States in 2010, so who knows? :-)I like the sun, can tolerate the cold & rain for a short time & like you, have gotta have a bit of space around me. There are some wonderful unspoilt spots in southern Africa, like Malawi & Zambia, but again, it's the political situation that keeps me back :-(

The Handler said...

My wife would kill to go to South Africa. She wants to get into a shark a cage really bad! I think she is crazy but I guess that is the best place on earth to do it.

Jayne said...

handler - SA is one of the best places for shark dives :-) Your wife is braver than me! Personally, I'm happy to sit & watch the whales :-)