Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Change is inevitable

I don't usually mind change. I'm like most folks, as long as its for the better, I'm good with it. And I guess I should have known that, like most "too good to be true" deals, this one wasn't going to last.

I'm speaking of my job location.

Let me tell you the whole gets confusing, so try to stay with me.

Lets start with 3 couples, or, better said, 3 sets of Techs. We (DH and I) will be C1, the couple that runs up and down the Mississippi River is C2, and the couple that runs the Rockies is C3. Ok, that said I'll try to explain as best I can.....

C1 starts this job in Jan,09. They are told they will have the Southern Region, which encompasses Florida all the way across to Louisiana. C1 is thrilled because this is what they were hoping for. They do a bit of training with C3 before moving down to their truck in FL. Its during this first couple of weeks in Jan that C1 learns about C3's thoughts of quitting. Wow, too bad, they were a nice team. March comes along and C3 does indeed quit. Main office decides not to hire anyone new, but to expand the territories. Ok, fine. C1 doesn't think much else about it. The Fleet Manager (FM) decides to ask C2 to move territories to the Rockies. This, in turn, expands the territories of other Techs. Still no biggie. However, unknown to C1, the FM made a deal with C2. This deal is "If you move to the Rockies, I'll get you to the Southern territory where C1 is. Now, for a whole year, FM never tells C1 of this deal, even though it involves them!!!

So, you ask, how does C1 find out? Oops! One of the morons in the office spills the beans. Now its on. C1 calls FM and says "WTF? Were you going to tell us?" FM responds "Well, its not set in stone. " ummm, well, when will it be 'set in stone?" He has no idea.

First let me say, I've left a lot of 2 hour conversations out of this blog, as its redundant information. Us pleading our case, clients here who requested us being back, our numerous letters of appreciation and kudos. Add to that the fact that DH's doctor (recall the heart attack in Feb) is here. Seemingly, it has no effect on the FM. He, nor the aformentioned morons in the office care about what the customer wants. Shuffling techs around, no matter the report with the clients. BUT....he still, after 2 weeks, refuses to give us a solid answer. We need to know! We have lots of stuff to get shipped home, wardrobe changes to make (south to the north? c'mon!) Going from the beaches to the Rocky Mountains.

Here is my problem, and its not the location. Its the fact that I feel betrayed. The dirty spineless FM made a deal and didn't bother to tell us, even though we were a key player! He did some shady dealings behind my back, after preaching all year "don't trust the people in the office. I'm the only one who you can trust, I've been in your shoes" WHATEVER. I can no more trust that sorry bastard than I can trust that bitch who gave birth to me. He keeps asking DH "Why doesn't she want to talk to me?" and his response is "Really, you don't want her on the phone, and you don't want to talk to her in person. She's pissed" That is putting in mildly. I have made the personal vow not to speak to him at all, if I can help it, during our anual meetings in January. He is spineless, gutless, nutless, and a fucking weasel. I trust no one in this company, including the techs that might be moving to our region.

We should find out something next week. I hope so, since we have 6 1/2 days (roughly) of work left at the time of this blog. I have lots of shit to ship home should this change occur. And even if we stay in this territory, I will NOT speak to that sorry ass unless its for work purposes, and even then it will probably be the DH doing the talking. Some might say "You're a coward for not speaking to him", I'm saving his life. As the saying goes "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" He betrayed me, and I will kick his sorry ass should he push the matter. This isn't over by any stretch of the imagination. Don't fuck with me.

1 comment:

The Handler said...

There is a guy at work that I won't talk to because he put a knife in my back. He had the nerve to say "Hi" to me in the hallway one day. I didn't even look at him. This offended him and he ran to the boss. About 2 hours later I was in eh bosses office. I wasn't in trouble but he just wanted to know what was going on. The saying goes "I wouldn't cross the street if he was on fire." Will I would cross the street, someone has to hold the umbrella.