Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Webster's dictionary defines FRIEND as "One attached to another by affection or esteem". This to me seems a bit vague, but then again, its the 'general' definition. It doesn't specify "good" friend, or "best" friend. And truthfully, I'm not sure I know the definition for those. I do, however, know that sometimes I'm a shitty friend. I also know that I have a hard time keeping them, for one reason or another, of which I have yet to figure out.

Here is what I believe :

I believe a true friend will keep in contact with you. Call, write, text, email, etc., once a week or so. Not just whenever they find the time. I believe a true friend will talk to you about anything, and listen to whatever you have to say. They will stand by you, and have your back in any situation.

Friends are not to be treated as an option. They should be treated with respect, and love. Never should you disregard a friend, or believe they are less than you. Respect their ideas, and their life.

Time does many things. It can strengthen a friendship, or tear it apart. Friends from the past can change over time, and if you haven't had the priviledge of growing together, it may seem as a shock. They aren't the person you once knew. Not even close. Sometimes, its for the better, most times, not so. So what to do? What do you do when a reunion fails? Or seems fake? You move on, Be glad this person was/is in your life, enjoy their company when they offer it, but don't ever count on it. Don't count on them. Keep close your true friends. They are the ones that will carry you through.

I have been working hard to improve my friendship skills. Making time to stay in contact, even just to say Hello. Sometimes I fall short, and I apologize to those I have let down, or left hanging. I say to those who have stood by me through those rough times, a heart felt THANK YOU. You are my true friend, my best friend.

this blog is dedicated to The Handler


The Handler said...

my pleasure

Jayne said...

I often find myself feeling very guilty that I haven't made enough time, just to drop a quick "howzit?" to friends. I have the time, but since settling back down in my home country, I've sunk into a pretty awful depression, courtesy of the shithole town I'm now living in. I cannot thank my friends enough for at least making the effort to stay in touch with me.