Thursday, November 8, 2007


WARNING!! This could be a really long post....hope you have time to read it all!! :)

Ok, so for the past week or so, some things have come to my attention. I don't really want to say its "age", because that makes me sound old. I'm 36, but I think my life and my soul have come to some conclustions. I'm putting these realizations here, for all of you to read, in hopes that either you have already had them, or maybe one day you will. I'm not saying they are profound, they don't earn the Pulitzer Prize or anything, but I think they do warrant print. So, on with the show!

I have realized:

--that my husband truely loves me, regardless of anything that has happened in our past. He doesn't want me to have to work, and he really wants me to be happy, therefore indulging in some of my crazier ideas.

--that I want to spend time being goofy with my 8 year old son. It dawned on me the other day how far from my childhood I had become when he wanted to scoop out the center of a Whopper, only to fill the chocolate shell with metal shavings or bb's, then place it on a table with a magnet underneath and make it "magically" roll around. We decided that a ball-bearing would be better.

--that my 4 dogs have taught me TONS of patience. My mastiff, Ben, is always in "slow-mode" which requires me to wait patiently for him to exicute a command. And that being pinned to the kitchen sink by a 125lb dog leaning on my legs is his way of telling me "I'm right here mom, no worries".

--that I have come to a point in my life that I will accept my body for what it is, and stop trying to make it what it really can't be....regardless of the fact that I would kill to look like Jillian off of The Biggest Loser. I love that woman.

--that I don't have to look "pristene" when I go get groceries. I am not there to meet men, or other people, so I don't have to put on make-up, and change clothes before I go. The people at HyVee or County Market don't care if my jeans have dirt or dog hair on them, nor do they care that I'm not wearing my "best" Carhart coat.

--that I can sit with my husband in the car, or in the hot tub in silence, and be ok with it. We don't have to speak to enjoy each other's company.

--that we can make it through tough times. We have had our highs and lows, both emotionally and financially, but we have made it through them all. We are a better couple for it, and I am glad to have him.

--that no matter how hard you try, or how loud you yell, men will NOT take out the trash or do the dishes. They WILL however, pick up dog poop, cook a meal, put laundry in the dryer, and hold you at night.

--that you can try things just once to see if it works and you aren't out a fact, you actually gain a better understanding of things when you try them out!!

--that keeping a puppy on a schedule for house training is great, but needn't be continued through adulthood because it makes your dogs crazy. They will refuse to pee if they know they are coming right in to eat.

--that I don't have to shave my legs every single day. Especially in the winter.

So all in all, things are good, life is good, and having these "realizations" is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your "realizations" and I said "uh-huh" on most of them....

See now, I can get my hubby to do dishes, but still no dice on the trash... but it may have something to do with me doing laundry and making the bed. We'll see who can hold out longer!