Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So I haven't posted here in a few days, its funny how life can just run off with you and not stop.

Anyway, I had a rough day on Friday. As most know , I have...had...a Mastiff. He was my baby. I simply love the bully breeds, and Mastiffs are my absolute favorites. Anywho, my life is starting to take a turn in an unknown direction. So I've had to make some decissions that I don't like. The Brat in me has had to be put in the corner and told to be quiet. I have had to put away my selfish desires and do what is best for my life as a whole. THat meant and means getting rid of some of my animals.

Ben, the Mastiff, will be 2 in Dec. He is still a puppy for another year, even at 200lbs. I just didn't have the time for him and wanted something more for him. So I called a friend in Wisconsin who has trained and titled dogs in the past and asked her if she wanted him. Not just to train in a working capacity, but as a companion as well. She was delighted. Friday she drove down to pick him up.

It was a sad day, as I really love that dog. But I know in my heart of hearts he is in a way better environment, and is so smart that he will thrive with her. SHe has the time, energy, and means to do all kinds of things with him, so for that, I am happy.

I must change topics now before I cry again....

In other news, I got the wig fixed for my costume, and all of the other components in place. The only thing I need to do is get some white contact paper and cut out the T-Birds logo for the back of the DH's leather jacket. I have been racking my brain all month trying to figure out how I was going to get that on there without ruining the jacket, or making it look cheap, and this morning it dawned on me...contact paper! LOL I can cut out the logo, put it on the jacket and just peel it off at the end of the night...no harm to the jacket! (sometimes I have these brilliant ideas and they just floor me for days rofl)

In other news, I think today I am going to get some 'excess' stuff out of the shed and garage, take pics of it and post it for sale on Craigslist or eBay. I have chicken stuff, dog stuff, etc that I'm not using anymore that can be better used with someone else, and I can sure use the cash! lol

Yesterday I took some time for me and went shopping. I got the contact paper, and bought a new sweater. I finished the DH's jacket last night, and managed to have time to watch some tv and sit in the hot tub.

To resolve the mystery, DH and I are dressing up for Halloween as Danny and Sandy from the movie GREASE.

Here is the skirt I made:


I'll post the jacket later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love ya hun!!!!!