Once in awhile (and maybe more than I care to admit)I just randomly vent, talk, or just chat about stupid things. This is one of those times.
Once I got back from Jacksonville, and arrived in Tampa to reunite with the hubs, I spent the night relaxing. Saturday we went to MOSI, the Museum of Science and Industry, and I had a pretty good time. I like these types of museums, especially when they are HUGE. This one? Not so big. It did house an IMAX theater dome, however I made a poor choice in our viewing. I chose "Under the Sea", thinking it would be full of exciting sea life scenes, whales, sharks, etc. No, we watched the mating habits of the Cuddle Fish. woofreakinhoo. Needless to say, hubs fell asleep, and I wasn't too happy.
After MOSI, we ventured downtown and toured the USS American Victory, which is an old battleship from WWII. That was pretty interesting, and let me tell ya, after going up and down all of those steep stairs, my calves were KILLING me!! We got some good pictures, and had some fun being silly. Once that was over, we walked through some shops, and I found a couple of really cute things for my youngest nieces. Following that, we sat at an outdoor cafe, sipped coffee and watched the people go by. That was probably the high light, simply because there was such a diverse crowd. I can't even begin to describe them to you, lmao.
Sunday was spent touring some of the beaches. It was a nice enough day, but I was pooped from the day before. Which brings me to another part of my random thoughts. Have you ever given something away? Something you absolutely adored, loved with all your heart? Given it to someone, knowing how they would want it, but also 'needing' to give it to them? I did that. I gave something away to someone, knowing they wanted it, and needing to give it away to a 'safe' place. To me, this seemed a win-win situation, doing each other a favor in trust. Well, as good as a thought it was, and quite possibly still is, I have learned that no matter what your wishes, hopes, or desires, once you give something away, it no longer belongs to you. You are completely out of control, and have NO say in anything from there on out. Its a hard pill to swallow, and I will never be happy about any of the situation, but as my DH pointed out, its out of my control. *sigh*...that doesn't erase the feeling of betrayal, hurt, and worry.
Moving on.....
I apologize for not posting many pictures of our adventures. Its not that I haven't taken any...oh boy have I taken pictures!! The problem is that MY camera took a crap on me, and we are using the dubs'. My camera had a feature that reduced the size, allowing me to post them easier. His does not. So I have to shrink, crop, resave, etc. Its a total pain in the ass, and these past few days I just haven't had time. And on top of it all, we found an 8GB memory chip for the camera...thats over 3,000 pictures!! WOW!!! So, at some point I need to either try to find a 'resize' feature on the camera, or just be very selective on what I post.
Other thoughts include a crazy work schedule that is coming up. Tomorrow the 25th, we need to be AT the location by 5am. Another job has us working from 5pm-9pm. Sometime in the coming couple of weeks, there is a job that has us going from 10pm-2am...whew!! But I think this weekend we will be able to make it to Daytona Bike Week, which will be a nice break from the job. I can't wait!
Well, I was going to ramble on about other things, but I'm just too darn tired at this point. I'll finish this up on another day....
My thoughts about a variety of topics, things that I find of interest, and rants for anyone who doesn't get offened easily. These blogs contain fowl language and adult content, so take heed. If you don't like what you read, move along.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Last day of class....
Today is the last day of CAOHC class for me...This class will certify me (pending I pass the test) for hearing conservation. Basically it says I can teach people how to use hearing protection, and test their hearing. Its a Federal certification, so I'll be able to test anywhere.
Yesterday was soooo boring. It really had nothing to do with my portion of hearing conservation, but had to be covered for the nurses and safety directors that were there. So the longest class day was absolutely grueling. I think I ate way more chocolate than should have been allowed!
Wow, I thought I had way more than that to say, lol..hhhmmm....
I guess I could talk about my Facebook account. Actually, I'll talk about all of the surveys that drop in my lap through Facebook. Things like "25 Things About Me", etc. These are fun, but there are some that I can never complete....ones like "Firsts". It asks about 30 questions about all the first times you did things in your life. First prom date, first car, first kiss, first true love, etc. Who remembers that stuff? I'm sure way more people than me!! There are so many things that I can't remember, it makes me wonder if I need some sort of therapy. I mean really, I can't remember half of my childhood! Other things I have problems remembering are people I served in the military with, events that happened during my 8 years in the USAF, events that occurred throughout my life that any other person should remember. Its quite disheartening, actually.
I also see so many folks reuniting from my old school, and thats great. However, I barely remember half the people that are on my friends list from high school. The ask me "Do you remember when we did....." um, no. I don't remember that stuff. Hell, half the time I barely remember the people I tested yesterday, much less 10 or 20 years ago. Its bad, really. I am really bad at keeping in touch with folks. They are reuniting and emailing, going out for lunch, etc and I have problems just looking at their profile page and asking the simple questions that they ask me..."how are you?, how are things?, ...etc" I think I'm just living in a fog, and life is passing me by. However, I am trying to be more concious of my daily life, what I say and who I say it to, and how I come across to people. Maybe that will help, who knows!!
Yesterday was soooo boring. It really had nothing to do with my portion of hearing conservation, but had to be covered for the nurses and safety directors that were there. So the longest class day was absolutely grueling. I think I ate way more chocolate than should have been allowed!
Wow, I thought I had way more than that to say, lol..hhhmmm....
I guess I could talk about my Facebook account. Actually, I'll talk about all of the surveys that drop in my lap through Facebook. Things like "25 Things About Me", etc. These are fun, but there are some that I can never complete....ones like "Firsts". It asks about 30 questions about all the first times you did things in your life. First prom date, first car, first kiss, first true love, etc. Who remembers that stuff? I'm sure way more people than me!! There are so many things that I can't remember, it makes me wonder if I need some sort of therapy. I mean really, I can't remember half of my childhood! Other things I have problems remembering are people I served in the military with, events that happened during my 8 years in the USAF, events that occurred throughout my life that any other person should remember. Its quite disheartening, actually.
I also see so many folks reuniting from my old school, and thats great. However, I barely remember half the people that are on my friends list from high school. The ask me "Do you remember when we did....." um, no. I don't remember that stuff. Hell, half the time I barely remember the people I tested yesterday, much less 10 or 20 years ago. Its bad, really. I am really bad at keeping in touch with folks. They are reuniting and emailing, going out for lunch, etc and I have problems just looking at their profile page and asking the simple questions that they ask me..."how are you?, how are things?, ...etc" I think I'm just living in a fog, and life is passing me by. However, I am trying to be more concious of my daily life, what I say and who I say it to, and how I come across to people. Maybe that will help, who knows!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I know, I know....
Ok, so its been awhile, but work has got me going pretty hard lately. Its not so much the schedule is hard, but after working in the morning, we go out during the day and explore, then go back to work in the evenings. This makes me really really tired by 8pm, so I don't hardly even look at the computer!
The past week has been good. DH has really lost some weight, and feels really great. We walk for about an hour every day, and I don't mean 'stroll', I mean walk with a purpose. We are watching our diet (mainly portion size) and I am just really proud of him.
Yesterday and this morning we were at Busch Gardens, Tampa. When we showed up to park the truck, we got to see Gretchen Wilson for FREE!! The old saying "its not what you know, but WHO you know" really paid off for that, lol. Plus we got a free one day pass to the park for anytime this year! Admission is usually $70 per person, so I think this weekend we are going to try and go...how exciting!!
Today I had to leave the DH in Tampa to come back to Jacksonville for a certification class that starts tomorrow and lasts til Friday. Its weird being in this hotel room without him! But I also need some "me" time after all that has gone on. I just need to 'let down' and can't do that in front of him just yet. So I think a soak in a hot bath tonight is in order!
Back on the diet issue....DH has lost weight, but I don't think I have. Its frustrating!!! I'm eating less, and healthier, walking as much as he is, etc. WTF??? ugh
The past week has been good. DH has really lost some weight, and feels really great. We walk for about an hour every day, and I don't mean 'stroll', I mean walk with a purpose. We are watching our diet (mainly portion size) and I am just really proud of him.
Yesterday and this morning we were at Busch Gardens, Tampa. When we showed up to park the truck, we got to see Gretchen Wilson for FREE!! The old saying "its not what you know, but WHO you know" really paid off for that, lol. Plus we got a free one day pass to the park for anytime this year! Admission is usually $70 per person, so I think this weekend we are going to try and go...how exciting!!
Today I had to leave the DH in Tampa to come back to Jacksonville for a certification class that starts tomorrow and lasts til Friday. Its weird being in this hotel room without him! But I also need some "me" time after all that has gone on. I just need to 'let down' and can't do that in front of him just yet. So I think a soak in a hot bath tonight is in order!
Back on the diet issue....DH has lost weight, but I don't think I have. Its frustrating!!! I'm eating less, and healthier, walking as much as he is, etc. WTF??? ugh
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Scared to death....
I don't wish the site, or feeling on anyone. I don't wish the thoughts of it, on anyone. What am I talking about? The site of a loved one having a heart attack. Seeing them being put in an ambulance, watching the doors close, and not knowing if you will see them alive again. Scared. That was me on Saturday, February 7,2009. Let me tell you what happened.
DH and I decided to go on a casual bike ride on the beach. We'd seen people riding nicely on the hard pack sand quite a bit, and decided we would give it a go. No biggie. Arriving at around 1130, we hopped on and started out. We were laughing because our legs were burning after the first 100 yards! We went about 3 blocks, and stopped to rest for a bit, then started on again. I knew I was ahead of the DH, but didn't think much about it until I looked back and he had stopped and was hunched over the handle bars. Obviously I turned around and went back.
He was pale, with red blotches on his face, and out of breath. So I held his bike while he sat on the sand. He said his chest was tight, but no problems in his left arm like you typically hear of. So we walked to a boardwalk and sat on a bench. It went downhill from there. He was sweating profusely, clammy, nausious, and still had a hard time breathing. His chest was tighter, and he just wasn't right. After about an hour, we walked to the street and he sat on the curb. I didn't know what to do...call the ambulance? Get the car? Sit? What? Finally, a man that had been cutting weeds in the yard next to us came over and said "You don't look good at all." and started taking his pulse. The guy started asking DH all kinds of questions, and finally I said "You must be a Dr."...he replied "I'm a surgeon." What luck! He asked our permission to call the rescue squad, to which we agreed. At that point his wife came out, and she was a nurse!
Anyway, the ambulance showed up and told me I could NOT ride to the hospital with them. I was sick! I thought I was fine, until I watched them load the DH into the back, and close the doors. ugh, so many thoughts run through your head! It was like a news ticker on the TV screen....so many questions continuously running. The nurse told me to get into her SUV, and she would take me to the hospital and figure out the rest later. Her DH, the surgeon, took our bikes and put them into the garage of his HUGE house. Everything was like a fog...I was bawling, couldn't talk, and had no idea what to do. Thank goodness for this nice couple!
The nurse gave me her phone number, and told me to call anytime and she would come back and get me, then take me to the car and to get our bikes. I was finally allowed to go back and see the DH, and there he was, with all the tubes hanging out of seemingly every orifice. What a site I don't care to ever see again.
Basically, he was admitted and kept there Saturday and Sunday night. On Monday morning, he was transported to a cardiac hospital, where he was given a heart catheterization, with the dye. He was scheduled to go in for this proceedure at 2pm, but it wasn't until 5pm before they took him back. Evidently they were really behind. Anyway, after 6pm he was finally taken to a room on the 3rd floor where I met him. It was then that I found out his right artery had been 99% blocked, and they had to put a stent in.
Today is Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009, and we are back to the hotel. DH feels great, and despite some bruising and all the sticky shit from the monitor stickies they had all over him, he is fine. We are discussing at length our diet and lifestyle change. Not to mention all the pills he has to take for the next 3 months. After that he will get re-evaluated and we'll know if he has to stay on some of them or not. We are realizing that the new diet won't be too difficult, mainly watching our sodium (which we were doing anyway), and getting more fruits and grains. Our intake of fried foods is down to almost none, which is ok. We had been planning a change in our diet before this, we were just slow getting it going, LOL. Now its been kick-started and its really not bad.
As I said, I don't wish it on anyone, and encourage everyone to watch what they eat, and take heed when you feel bad, 'cause you just never know.
DH and I decided to go on a casual bike ride on the beach. We'd seen people riding nicely on the hard pack sand quite a bit, and decided we would give it a go. No biggie. Arriving at around 1130, we hopped on and started out. We were laughing because our legs were burning after the first 100 yards! We went about 3 blocks, and stopped to rest for a bit, then started on again. I knew I was ahead of the DH, but didn't think much about it until I looked back and he had stopped and was hunched over the handle bars. Obviously I turned around and went back.
He was pale, with red blotches on his face, and out of breath. So I held his bike while he sat on the sand. He said his chest was tight, but no problems in his left arm like you typically hear of. So we walked to a boardwalk and sat on a bench. It went downhill from there. He was sweating profusely, clammy, nausious, and still had a hard time breathing. His chest was tighter, and he just wasn't right. After about an hour, we walked to the street and he sat on the curb. I didn't know what to do...call the ambulance? Get the car? Sit? What? Finally, a man that had been cutting weeds in the yard next to us came over and said "You don't look good at all." and started taking his pulse. The guy started asking DH all kinds of questions, and finally I said "You must be a Dr."...he replied "I'm a surgeon." What luck! He asked our permission to call the rescue squad, to which we agreed. At that point his wife came out, and she was a nurse!
Anyway, the ambulance showed up and told me I could NOT ride to the hospital with them. I was sick! I thought I was fine, until I watched them load the DH into the back, and close the doors. ugh, so many thoughts run through your head! It was like a news ticker on the TV screen....so many questions continuously running. The nurse told me to get into her SUV, and she would take me to the hospital and figure out the rest later. Her DH, the surgeon, took our bikes and put them into the garage of his HUGE house. Everything was like a fog...I was bawling, couldn't talk, and had no idea what to do. Thank goodness for this nice couple!
The nurse gave me her phone number, and told me to call anytime and she would come back and get me, then take me to the car and to get our bikes. I was finally allowed to go back and see the DH, and there he was, with all the tubes hanging out of seemingly every orifice. What a site I don't care to ever see again.
Basically, he was admitted and kept there Saturday and Sunday night. On Monday morning, he was transported to a cardiac hospital, where he was given a heart catheterization, with the dye. He was scheduled to go in for this proceedure at 2pm, but it wasn't until 5pm before they took him back. Evidently they were really behind. Anyway, after 6pm he was finally taken to a room on the 3rd floor where I met him. It was then that I found out his right artery had been 99% blocked, and they had to put a stent in.
Today is Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009, and we are back to the hotel. DH feels great, and despite some bruising and all the sticky shit from the monitor stickies they had all over him, he is fine. We are discussing at length our diet and lifestyle change. Not to mention all the pills he has to take for the next 3 months. After that he will get re-evaluated and we'll know if he has to stay on some of them or not. We are realizing that the new diet won't be too difficult, mainly watching our sodium (which we were doing anyway), and getting more fruits and grains. Our intake of fried foods is down to almost none, which is ok. We had been planning a change in our diet before this, we were just slow getting it going, LOL. Now its been kick-started and its really not bad.
As I said, I don't wish it on anyone, and encourage everyone to watch what they eat, and take heed when you feel bad, 'cause you just never know.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Interesting,...no, odd....no, just freakin weird!!!
I'll start out by saying we went to a couple of Flea Markets today...No Handler, we didn't see or buy any FLEAS!!! lol
Anyway, lets just say, well, um, oh hell....there were some weird freakin people at that place!! Where do these folks hide? Holy shit I couldn't believe it....they actually are allowed to BREED!! It was crazy, and the junk that was being sold was even crazier!!! LOL
Ah well, I'll move on to my new bike and other things.

As you can see, they aren't anything too special, but they work for what we want.

I think I should be in the "Dork Parade"!! LOL

DH was having fun, even though it had been MANY years since he had ridden a bicycle!

We've had a nice time walking the beaches

and doing a bit of shopping.
Today we worked on the trailer, cleaning it out, organizing to our needs, etc. The 'kids' that had it before us weren't terribly organized, and seemed to like to just 'stuff' things anywhere they felt. We've found empty cardboard boxes, most half crushed; rubber mats covered in grease, some cleaner that had spilled and left, you get the idea. I scrubbed and vacuumed and now its much better. Maybe I'm anal, but to me, if you are working in a small space, clutter is NOT an option, nor is filth. Shit strung all over is not cool, organization is key. On top of that, if you've got folks walking in and out, the first impression is everything. You've got no option but to keep things clean, especially in the small hearing booths. Evidently they didn't think so *sigh*. So again, I went through and really scrubbed. I had done some spot cleaning the last couple of weeks, but was able to really get after it today. I feel much better, lol.
Anyway, we also condensed our luggage and put the excess clothes/bags in the front storage area of the trailer. I grossly over-packed, but at the time wasn't sure what to expect. No matter, it can stay there and if I need it, I can get to it, and its out of the way til then.
Beyond that, not much else to report on. I'm still baffled at the freak show I saw at the Flea Market, but I'm sure with therapy I'll be fine!! :p
Anyway, lets just say, well, um, oh hell....there were some weird freakin people at that place!! Where do these folks hide? Holy shit I couldn't believe it....they actually are allowed to BREED!! It was crazy, and the junk that was being sold was even crazier!!! LOL
Ah well, I'll move on to my new bike and other things.

As you can see, they aren't anything too special, but they work for what we want.

I think I should be in the "Dork Parade"!! LOL

DH was having fun, even though it had been MANY years since he had ridden a bicycle!

We've had a nice time walking the beaches

and doing a bit of shopping.
Today we worked on the trailer, cleaning it out, organizing to our needs, etc. The 'kids' that had it before us weren't terribly organized, and seemed to like to just 'stuff' things anywhere they felt. We've found empty cardboard boxes, most half crushed; rubber mats covered in grease, some cleaner that had spilled and left, you get the idea. I scrubbed and vacuumed and now its much better. Maybe I'm anal, but to me, if you are working in a small space, clutter is NOT an option, nor is filth. Shit strung all over is not cool, organization is key. On top of that, if you've got folks walking in and out, the first impression is everything. You've got no option but to keep things clean, especially in the small hearing booths. Evidently they didn't think so *sigh*. So again, I went through and really scrubbed. I had done some spot cleaning the last couple of weeks, but was able to really get after it today. I feel much better, lol.
Anyway, we also condensed our luggage and put the excess clothes/bags in the front storage area of the trailer. I grossly over-packed, but at the time wasn't sure what to expect. No matter, it can stay there and if I need it, I can get to it, and its out of the way til then.
Beyond that, not much else to report on. I'm still baffled at the freak show I saw at the Flea Market, but I'm sure with therapy I'll be fine!! :p
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