Sunday, March 29, 2009


It amazes me how many people just hate taking a hearing test. You would think we are3 the "Little Van of Horrors" the way people act. Some of it, like those who are claustrophobic I can understand. But others? I just don't get it. Some go so far as to either schedule vacation or call in sick. We have noticed though, that the folks who bitch about taking the test are the ones who can't hear. Now as for me, I want people to know that my hearing is bad so they kn ow how to talk to me....saves a lot of frustration for everyone. But I guess its a pride issue for most.

I find it funny, too, how some people try to place blame on me3. As if I control the fact that it is mandatory they take this test. I'm sorry, but I don't make the OSHA rules, the government does. I don't schedule the test, your supervisor does. All I do is give it,....nothing more. Believe it or not, I've had guys cuss me out for taking the test. *sigh* I just smile and say "talk to your supervisor"...that usually shuts them up. I can't get confrontational as it could cost me my job and in these times, I don't need to lose it.

It also amazes me how year after year these people fill out the same paper and take the same test, yet manage to fuck it up every time. "Where do I sign?....I didn't know I had to fill out a paper!....Can I just go now?....Why can't I test while the other guys are in there?"....and on and on and on. I love the person who says "Been doin this for 10 years!!" Then proceeds to not only complete the paper incorrectly, but puts the headset on wrong. Been doin' this for years, huh??? PPFFFFTTT

Some people think its funny to play during the test. For example, instead of pushing the button once when they hear the tone and releasing it, they think its funny to either hold it down the whole time, hit it many times in a row, or just not hit it at all. Its at that time that I stop the test, open the door and point them out. Its not funny after that. Or the person who swears they turned off their cell phone, only to have it ring during the test ....we point them out, too.

Of course, its easy for me to sit here and bitch, but in all reality, I do like my job. I like most of the people I meet, with the exception of the occasional asshole or two, but they aren't too often. I get to see how things are made and even get free stuff once in awhile. LOL And with the traveling, its almost like being on vacation. So I really can't bitch. But if I didn't rant about something, what would you read???

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