This was a question asked of me by my DH. He was referring to my past job in the USAF as an EDD handler.....Explosive Detector Dog handler. Let me digress and explain.
Way back in 1990 I joined the USAF. I had zero direction in my life, and even fewer skills. I needed structure, and I needed a job. I was 19. So there I went, signing up to be a cop, and hoping to be a dog handler. Back then (not sure about now) you actually had to fill out an application and try out, competing against others who wanted to do the same thing. Lucky for me, I made it.
I finished boot camp, and cop school, then went to Patrol Dog school. Learning the basics of dog care, handling, and bite work. I was in heaven!!!! Growing up I loved animals, and being with such an elite group of cops really was awsome. I was then sent to Hurlburt Fld, FL (in the Panhandle) where a really good Kennel Master taught me how to work a Drug Dog. I did that for 6 months, and she sent me back to Lackland AFB, TX for Explosive school. That was the best 6 weeks! I graduated top of my class, so I was stoked.
ANyway, I spent the rest of my 8 year career running bomb dogs and was loving it. The adrenaline rush, the challenge in training, the risk on a 'real world' situation, etc. Eventually I was stationed at Nellis AFB, NV where I met my male twin, hereby known as "The Handler". We had the same working style, and ideas, same interests in general. For 2 years we couldn't be stopped. Working with Secret Service, and doing many high profile jobs, as well as helping out the LVPD. We were the best. People in high places would need support and request us specificly. We were the shit!!
Anyway, 10 years ago I got out, and went on with my life, I thought. The Handler got out 12 years ago, and we've done a fine job of staying in touch. However it was brought to my attention last night that I talk about EDDs and training.....a lot. Like every day. I had no idea. He asked me:
"If you had the opportunity right now, would you work a dog again?"
I was stunned. Of course, my inner handler was screaming "Hell Yes you moron!!! " LOL but my 'other' self was saying "Now hold on, there is this life you've been living for 10 years you've got to think about"
So I thought, and thought, and thought. Ok, I was really holding in my inner handler who was just freaking out. lol I finally said:
"It would have to be the perfect mix, the "Perfect "Storm" so to speak. There are so many factors in play....I know what I'm worth, I know what is needed, and I know how much work is involved. Its not just a matter of 'get up and go work a dog', there are just to many factors to consider." I guess that wasn't the right answer, or the expected one. When I asked "Why?" I was told:
"You talk about it every day. You talk about setting up a training problem, or working something in 'real world', or how people need to pull their head out and think about the resources they are wasting. You say how 'if only', or "If it were me & [The Handler] we wouldn't do shit that way" always talk about it. Its almost like an obsession"
Ok, um, was I offended? No. Was I pissed? No. Did it make me think? Yes. And the screwy thing is, the whole time we were talking about it, I was running training problems in my head. LOL. Bad, I know. More discussion led to "If I had the resources and accesability [The Handler] and I would have our own business training, certifying, and selling dogs. We would even be privately contracted to work events. " But alas, I do not have the money, resources, etc. to take on such an endeaver. I have a better chance of running a Bed & Breakfast with my girlfriend from high school than I do of running an EDD company. Thats just the way it is.
So, until I pull off the lottery and ATF approves me having a bunker full of explosives, I'll be content being the silent consultant to [The Handler].