Thursday, June 10, 2010

Misc. bullshit is the topic for today. I really have nothing exciting to blog about, but then again, do I ever?

Yesterday I spent all morning on my hands and knees crawling through the 6,000ft garden pulling weeds. I should be out there this morning again to run the mini-tiller but I'm just not in the mood. So instead, I've opted to clean house and do some general pick up. DH and I are going to pick up my son on Sunday, so I really need to get things in order here. Not that he cares, he's 11 for crying out loud, but his allergies can get bad and I need to make sure a majority of the dust and dog hair is cleaned up.

In other news, DH applied for a local job. He would be working in a warehouse running a forklift and also delivering orders. Its for a fertilizer company here, and hell, it can't pay any worse than his trucking job he has now. Not to mention he'd be home every night, weekends off (usually), and better hours. Obviously there would be room for advancement. He goes for an interview on Monday.

The past 2 Monday's I've been taking Friendship Bread to the Farmer's Market, and have NOT done well at all. I was going to try to take some veggies to sell this Monday, but have decided just to forgo the whole thing and just put up what I harvest. Yesterday I canned 2 pints of peas. Not a lot, but its the start of the season. Soon the green beans will be ready, as well as the tomatoes and potatoes. I'll have my days filled then with canning it all.

I have decided to sell my horse. She is too 'barn sour' to do anything with. I took her out to the very far end of the pasture and started working with her stops. She wanted to go back to the barn so bad she threw several tantrums. Rearing up more times than I can count, prancing, head throwing, etc. I just can't have a horse like that. I've also sworn off mares. Geldings only for me, thank you very much.

I'm hoping that one of my meat rabbits is pregnant. Yes, I said meat rabbit. I will be raising rabbits for food, so no reason to get all "cute fuzzy bunny" on me. As I've ranted before, things are going to go downhill fast before long, and we'd all better have food and skills or we'll die. I was thinking I should let one of my broody hens go ahead and hatch out some eggs, just to replenish the stock. I need to run that past the DH and get his thoughts.

We are still looking for land. We want some with both timber and clear ground, in equal parts, and evidently its a rarity.

I turned 39 this past Sunday....and really, unlike many people I know, I don't get depressed at my age. What I mean is, I know some people who are obsessed with coloring their hair to hide the grey, wearing loads of make-up and using creams, lotions, and potions to get rid of wrinkles. Not me, I say let 'er rip! I'm not dyeing my hair, I'm letting the grey just go crazy. I don't wear makeup any more, nor do I have a nightly ritual of wrinkle preventors. I view them all as well earned badges of life, signs of wisdom and knowledge, and could really care less what anyone has to say about it all. After many trips around the world serving my country, having a kid, and not to mention putting up with everyone else's bullshit, I can do what I please and don't need anyone's approval or judgement for that matter.

I guess thats all the rambling I have for today. I think I'll crank up some tunes and get after this place. I feel the need to purge it , but have nowhere to take the crap to at the moment. I'd really like to have a yard sale, but not sure when that will come to pass.

So, off I go. Hope everyone has a good day.


The Handler said...

I'm with you, I not getting rid of my gray. My looks don't make me who I am. I would like to lose some weight but it isn't because I care what people think about me, it is because when the shit hits the fan I would like to be able to run for cover. Right now I MIGHT be able to run 100 yards.

HD Chic said...

I hear ya, and that 100y is with no extra packs. I hate running.

Jayne said...

Bummer about the horse hon :-(
Great that you'll have time with your son :-)
Folks don't know what they're missing if they don't buy your bread!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that G's interview goes well. I've applied for a job, but after not working for 12yrs, am wondering if I've done the right thing. This place is so politically correct now, I can see me trying to cope with 'foot in mouth' syndrome! However, the job is on a construction site, so I can swear to my hearts content LMAO

I ain't worried about my grey hair, altho I gotta admit I treat myself to the blonde hi-lites.....gotta live up to the dumb blonde image, even if I have to pay for it! I'm not keen on the laughter lines around my eyes & it don't help when Hubs says "nothing's THAT funny"! I've stuck to a few tips of advice from my mum & don't put anything (foundation/creams/potions) on my facial skin. I tried it a coupla times, but felt like I was suffocating!