Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things here have been hectic. After my son's visit, which makes me realize how different his world is from mine, I really got after the garden. Things have finally been dry enough for me to get out there and get work done. One of our rabbits, whom we were hoping was pregnant, wasn't. We are now watching another one who is "supposed" to be preg. Should be next week when she kindles. The other 2 that we thought were preg I don't think are. So, we'll see what happens. I've got several broody hens, but I'm pulling the eggs because I don't think our roo is really doing his job, lol. On a good note, the keets are growing nicely! They are testing their wings and the hens are keeping an eye on them.

Ok, now for bad news. DH is unemployed. He applied for a different trucking job, and they called and said "Ok, come up to Ft. Dodge and we'll put you through 4 days of orientation, then you'll get your rig and drive home" he quit his old job and I drove him the 4 hours to the office. Two days later he calls to tell me to come get him....WHAT??? Seems this isn't an orientation, but a PRE-SCREENING!!! Seriously? Oh yeah, he had to go through a series of tests, and he was passing with flying colors until it came to the sleep study. They sent him to his motel room with a breathing monitor and told him to wear it to bed. We knew he had sleep apnea, and sure enough, he failed this test. This completely disqualified him, unless of course, he spends a serious amount of $$$ on a sleep study. We're talking over $1,000. Needless to say, he was pissed. They also told him that his optimal weight for his height was 189 pounds....are you kidding me????

So anyway, he is now on the hunt for a job. A few prospects, but nothing confirmed yet. *sigh*

In other news the garden is doing well. I'm trying my hand at drying seeds to replant next year. If I can get that skill down then I won't have to ever buy seeds again. Peas are done, green beans are coming in nicely, and I'll be digging the last of the potatoes probably today. Then the long tomato season will be here, and my days will be spent hovering over the canner and strainer. How many different ways can I prepare a tomato? LOL I also need to get to work on more deer jerky, make and can some soup (using more deer meat), and hopefully get some rabbits raised for butchering. I also need to get this damn horse sold. I'm hoping to have a buyer. This woman is into mules, and needs a good broodmare, which is exactly what Royalty is good for. She is impossible to ride anymore, even for a seasoned rider. So I'll hopefully find out this weekend if they want her or not.

Nothing else really going on here, so I'll just say hope everyone is having a good year...its half over already!!!!

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Real bummer about Dh & the job front :-( Keeping my fingers crossed that something comes up soon hon {{{hugs}}}