I swear, I write better blogs in my head before falling asleep than I do the next morning when I'm actually able to type them out. I had a great one last night, and will try to duplicate it here....
I've noticed that these last few years, and especially this one, that I've done a lot of inner thought. Here's what I've come up with so far....
I am human, with feelings and thoughts. I am not a religious person, not affiliated with any religious group. This does not devoid me of having the same thoughts and emotions of anyone else.
I am not afraid of doing things alone. I am content with my own company, but this doesn't mean I don't enjoy getting together with friends.
I am extremely sarcastic, most people confuse that with bitchiness. This, in turn, keeps me from having 'normal' friendships.
I am harsh. I shoot from the hip, and again, this keeps me from having the typical girlfriends that most women have.
I love taking a nap. I see no problem with a pause in the middle of the day to re-energize.
I am solar. I do way better on sunny days to get things done. But cloudy rainy days are good for naps!
I might be crazy, I might not be. Depends on who you ask.
I have eclectic taste in everything...music, food, activities, home decor, tv, and people. I love to ride my horse as much as a Harley. I like having my garden as much as I like eating a pizza.
I am hyper, and I am lazy.
I can drink a beer with friends as easily as I can drink a soda with my son.
I have no patience for people. Limited patience for animals. Although I have learned to slow down thanx to my farm.
I miss lots of things from my past, but look forward to events of my future.
I have no regrets.
I do not tolerate deceite, lies, conning, sneaking, and theft. I do not believe in taking advantage of family.
I am, at times, too trusting of people.
I do everything I can to help friends. I will give all I can, but usually get screwed.
I have many things I'd like to do, but don't forsee doing them.
I believe in past lives.
Some things I have a hard time letting go of.
I keep a lot of things deep inside.
I'm into weird, childish things like fantasy books and movies. I believe there is another world within ours that we are either kept from seeing or just refuse to acknowledge.
I am many things, and nothing at the same time.
Sounds like the perfect woman.
You're too kind, and possibly biased. I know many who would beg to differ with you, and probably argue you to the end. However, there was much more I could have posted, but some things the general public just doesn't need to know about me ;-)
I too have - on many an occasion - written a blog piece in my head, just before hitting the Land of Nod. I have the attention span of a mosquito on 'roids, which means I can't remember half of what I was thinking by the time the dawn chorus arrives *sigh*
The way you've described yourself hon is definitely 'normal' so screw what anybody else has to say!
Jayne, we are one in the same with the attention issue.....I waste more time wandering around trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing!!!!
you have your own words to show, i like the way you tell people. great
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