Ok, so I've been slacking on the "daily entries" here. Thing is, there hasn't been much to talk about. My life is pretty boring on the whole, so to blog daily becomes very repetitive. However, I'm sure I can dig up something to write about today, if nothing else to keep everyone coming back to see what's up.
Greg will be home this evening (finally) with the hot tub, so my job today is to prep the deck. I need to cut part of the bench out, which means I get to use POWER TOOLS....YES!!!! I'll even use the kind you plug in....woohoo!! lol :)
In other news (Novel, we have discussed this in part) I have put the E-Collar on Ben. His morning barking, or should I say screaming, has gotten out of control. Telling him to stop is pointless. So this morning I put the collar on, and then proceeded as normal with my chores. As soon as he started in, I hit the remote. Boy, did that get his attention. He was not happy, and it only took about 4 times before he got the hint. Question is, will he remember at 0500 tomorrow morning? We'll see. Some say its cruel, but I disagree. As we all know, in the wrong hands, yes, it is abuse. But when used correctly, to cause only discomfort and not pain, to get attention and stop the unwanted behavior, it is a great tool.
Another thought....homosexuality. What would you do if a close relative "came out"? How would you feel? Would the feelings be different if it was a guy or girl? Some people base their thoughts on their faith, others based on the "unknown", or "homo-phobia". For me, it doesn't bother me. Let me clarify that. I believe its genetic, and I believe that its not a "choice", but that the person is born that way. So how can we blame them? In our parent's generation, and many generations before them, religion played a larger part in life than it does today. This dictated how people lived their lives, and their thoughts. To be gay was out of the question, and therefore hidden from everyone, including themselves. Feelings were supressed, and life went on in the "normal" way.
Times have changed dramatically, and continue to do so. Homosexuality is more widely accepted, and not supressed nearly as much. Personally, as long as you aren't grotesquely flaunting it out of spite, or resentful about it, or being pushy, I don't care. Your life is your life, not mine. It runs in my family. Both sides, as a matter of fact. So who am I to dispute it? Who am I to say its wrong? Who am I to say they can't have that lifestyle? I'm not saying anyone has to agree with it, or embrace it, no, my question is....who are we to judge?
Just something to think about......
ok, so I am pretty frustrated because I left a long comment and then as my computer was posting it, it locked up.
So i will have to try to remember everything I said before.
Yes, I agree that somepeople are born with some sort of genetics or hormones that make them attracted to humans of the same sex. I would also argue that many people do choose the homosexual and bi-sexual lifestyle. Sometimes it is a result of something tramatic that happened earlier in life that scared them, or hurt them, and sometimes it is for other reasons.
I also believe that some people are born with genetics that make them predisposed to being alcholholics, or attracted to children, have nasty tempers, or other things.
The part that I do not agree with you on Jen, is the part where people should allow these predisposed genes control their lives. I do not think they should indulge themselves in certain activities just because they "feel" a certain way.
I have alcholholics on both sides of my family. I know I shouldn't drink or I will likely become one, and I don't think being an alcholholic is the proper way to live ones life.
My biological father is sexually attracted to young girls. I believe that is genetics, not a choice. But that does not mean it is ok for him to have sex, and touch young girls. He needs to restrain from that behavior and not indulge himself in it.
I feel the same way about homosexuality and bi-sexuality. Regardless of the urges, I don't think it is right to indulge in this behavior.
Now Jen, you know that my dog sitter is a very vocal, out in the open lesbian. She stays at my house, she sleeps in my bed, but she is single. If that changes and she is in a relationship with another women, she will no longer be my dog sitter and stay at my house, but she will always be my friend. As I don't dislike her, but I will not condone the behavior. Just like I do not condone my father's behavior.
So to answer your question, if a relative announced they were homosexual, my family would keep on loving them, but as with other issues, we would encourage them the best we could not to indulge on the behavior.
I truly believe Sex and relationships are meant for creation. Two women or two men can not create more humans. So in that case it is just indulging in a behavior that like alcholholism, attraction to children, and other behaviors, was not meant to be, and not acceptable.
However, as you know, I am very tolerant, I do have gay friends, and it is the behavior I disagree with, not the person.
I hope your arm is feeling okay today! I'm thinking about you.
POWER TOOLS. Well good thing you got bit before you were able to cut off your finger! LOL! Just kidding. I took a class in college on set design, and part of it was learning how to use all the different tools, but I've found if you don't use that info, you lose it.
Was Ben quiet this AM? You inspired me to put the collar on Whisper today. It took about 45 minutes and I haven't heard a peep from her since. See... she only barks at me. Never barks when she's alone, or in the morning before she gets out. We'll see if she remembers tomorrow.
If a close relative of mine came out, I wouldn't stop loving them, but it would change things. I have to admit it would also make a difference if it was a guy or a girl. I admit that personally I find the practice of homosexual males much more distasteful than that of homosexual females. I have close friends that are homosexual, one of my bosses is homosexual, so on and so forth. Do I agree with what they do, no. Do I dislike them or disobey them because of that personal choice, no.
I also don't believe it is something you are born with. That's a cop out in my opinion. For me that would be like saying my tendencies towards violence I was born with. Are my parents violent, yes. Does that make me born that way, no. Does it make it genetic, not really. Is it something I can choose to indulge in, or choose to try and not do, yes! Would I be happier if I stopped trying to control my temper all the time. Yes, I would. My temper, and trying to control it causes me a ton of guilt, even on a daily basis. If I just let it fly, I'd feel better, in the short term. But, I'd probably lose all my friends, end up getting divorced, and wind up in jail. So much for indulging in my temper.
If however, I wanted others to let me indulge in my poor behavior, what would be the best way to go about doing that? Convince them that I was born this way and that I can't change and that it is wrong for people to espect me to not live the way I feel like living.
Doing something just because we feel like it has never been a good course of action.
I also have to disagree with "religion" playing a role in this oppression. Christianity says that homosexuality is a sin, but does Islam, Hindu, Paganism? Chrisitanity is not the only religion. If Christianity was keeping people from expressing these thoughts and desires, were all the other religions doing the same? Why isn't Hinduism a collection of homosexuals? The simple answer that comes to mind, is because homosexuals can't reproduce so Hinduism would die out in one generation.
Acceptance by the majority does not make it right. Slavery was accepted by the majority, and still is in many countries. The Salem witch trials? The Crusades? and the list could go on and on... I do not let the majority make up my mind, and I know you don't either.
The only reason I can "judge", the only leg I have to stand on is that I have a clear cut guideline in my life for what is right and wrong. I do not dislike or hate the person, just like I don't hate alcoholics, wife abusers, pickpockets, liars, etc. I just dislike what they do, because their actions can and do effect my life. I know we can't live our lives in a vacuum and we're always going effect those around us, and that's why, in good conscience, even if a person doesn't believe in God, they still need to live their life in a manner that causes the least amount of damage to those around them. I've got it a tad bit easier because I don't have to write my own instruction book, I just have to try my hardest to follow it.
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