Today, albeit a Sunday, was very productive at our house. The morning started out fixing Carlo's feeding station. We decided just to take the whole thing out, and I would lock him in his dog house when it was time to feed.
Cleaning up the yard (poop) and cleaning out Carlo's pen, then led to checking the chemical balance in the hot tub, which then led to putting more water in. Funny how one thing will lead to another. I had also been telling Greg for the last 2 weeks that I wanted to get the garage cleaned up/out for the winter. All of the "summer" stuff needed to be put up and away. So FINALLY we started on that....after, of course, I had a fun chat on the phone with Robin. :) We put the bikes in the trailer...after getting it put where we wanted it. Then moved the lawn mower out. Greg thinks I'll have to mow one more time, but with the lack of rain, I'm not so sure. We also got the old bike parts put up in the rafters (keeping the mice out of the boxes), and I swept a bucket full of dirt out. The workbench got straightened out, and things just generally put away. Its amazing how much room we had!! LOL
So, we can now fit the car and the truck in the garage...whew! It comes in really handy in the scraping ice, no frozen doors, or snow blowing in when you are getting in/out. I would like to get the garage insulated and a branch off of the heater vented out to it. Just to take the chill off. But that is a big project for another year. Funny how you can think of projects that you should really do, but have no problem waiting until the "best time" to do them....even if it means years away.
So, after getting that taken care of, we had a late lunch and then napped. I was so tired after being up since 5....Greg snores terribly sometimes, and so sleep eludes me on the bad nights. We then got up around 4pm, and I gave Greg a haircut. He wasn't real happy about it, and I kinda felt bad. He had a 9 inch ponytail, and I had to cut it off. Trimmed his hair to just above the collar, and neatened up the front. But, with his interview tomorrow, we just didn't want to risk having his long hair be the deciding factor. So, after all of that, I got a loaf of bread started, and laundry going. Supper was next, rotate laundry, eat, fold laundry, do dishes, bake bread, cool bread, then finally sit for a minute to type this blog! NOw, its time for some relaxation in that wonderful hot tub!!! :)
1 comment:
Do you want to come to my house and pick up poop? I'll pay you in beer. Let us know how great the hot tub is. Michelle wants one but we don't have enough room in our fusebox to power one. My snoring was getting bad so Michelle made me go have a sleep study. I did, they gave me a CPAP to use and I no longer snore. It is great. Michelle sleeps better and I'm no longer tired during the day. I hope Greg gets the job. Sorry it has been so long since I've posted anything but we were in St. Louis last weekend and I have been filling in as the trainer at work and haven't had time to answer you blog. I'm got to help get 3 new teams and 2 old teams ready for certification. Even if I don't answer you I am checking the site everyday. Talk to you later.
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