We all know the USA is in economic meltdown. Its no secret. But other than the fuel prices, you never really notice how close to home things can be. I mean, out here in the country, I'm sealed off from many things. I don't see the streets of houses for sale...I don't notice a lot of things. Yeah, its more money for groceries, but I'm frugal anyway, so I don't see it too much. My point is, it hit real close today.
The DH, whom we all know is a Truck Driver, called this morning with some news. The head of his department had been fired. Not layed off...FIRED. Why? Budget. Money is tight, and they are cutting costs where they can. The screwed up part? He had no notice. This guy is sitting in his office yesterday, and in walks the owner...
"Hey man, thanks for your hard work, but you no longer work here."
"Yep, you're fired. Budget constraints. We're sorry, but we have to let you go. You can pick up your check on Friday. Have a good day, and good luck."
There ya have it. That fast, that sudden...DONE. This guy did nothing wrong. But in their mind, he was a luxury they could no longer afford. And in this same department, they are firing 2 drivers. No, DH isn't one of them, but bet your ass he is securing another job for himself as we speak. Actions like that make you question the company and its tactics. It makes you wonder, keeps you on edge, and that is way too much stress. So he has called around, and is getting apps in the mail ASAP. Getting out before the suprise falls on us....can you blame him?
I guess I just think its incredibly rude for a company, any company, to expect a 2 week notice of its employees before leaving, yet they waltz in and shitcan them with no warning at all. Rude to say the least.
I agree wholeheartedly. With the economoic times over the years, I've always been happy to say I work in a field that we will always need, and now, as a state employee, you would think I wouldfeel even more ensured about my employee, but... it does cross my mind for the first time ever. I can see that someday I may not have a job, that my division of this state government may be reorganized or just terminated outright. Do I think it would happen like what happened to DH's boss, yes... I think the gov't could do just that.
Do I think that my future career plans will have a bit more stability. Of that I can be assured. They have a 233 year history of being in business... :)
Is it actually legal to do that? (Being a foreigner, I have no idea, sorry!) I would've thought the company had to at least give him notification that he was being laid off/retrenched & he should've been offered a financial package because of it. But to simply fire the guy because of cutbacks? Jeez, that sucks. I hope your hubby manages to get something else, cos I'd also be worried that the company is gonna fold.
Jayne...you would think they would have to offer him some compensation, or warning, but sadly that is not the case. Once example is WalMart....I've known several people who have worked there for 15-20 years, and get fired so they don't receive retirement benefits. Sad, but true. And yes, he is wondering about the stability of this company. True, they have been around for awhile, but in these times, that doesn't mean a thing.
Jade.....I agree with you. Who kows what the government/state/national BS is going to lead to. THe woman who gave birth to me works at a prison...I think she is the only one at this point who is guaranteed job security. lol As for your future career...GOOD MOVE. :)
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