WOOHOO!! Yeah, I'm in a better mood, the sun is out, its supposed to be in the 60's all week, and I am outside doin' stuff! Ok, you are wondering about the title? HA! If you recall, I discussed in past blogs about chickens. I GOT CHICKENS BABY!!! lol
Sunday the DH and I got up really really really early and went to the swap meet/flea market. Braving the wind, cold, sleet and snow, we found 2 roosters and 19 laying hens!! I am so excited! We came home aroun 0900 and the sun was starting to part the clouds. We whipped up the pen, and got the coop finished in about 3 hours. They are some happy chickens!! Anyway, I named the roosters Jon and Brad...no idea why, but that is their name. Jon being the Barred Rock cross, (black/white specked) and Brad being the Buff Orpington cross (brown/red color). I am having fun with them! I go out about 3 times a day to feed them, and make sure they have water (they go through a lot!) and to make sure everyone is doing ok. I'm hoping after they get settled in the next few days they'll start laying. I know the roosters are doing their part, lol, so now I'm waiting on the girls...here are some pics!
They are adorable!! And look great!
Can't wait till you start making omelettes with those fresh eggs. There is nothing better!!
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Can't be free range eggs hon! I envy you, for having space to have your dogs & now chickens. I can't even have a bloody garden, cos we can't afford to have a villa (house) as the rents are hysterical (ave. $100,000p.a.)so it's apartment living for me. *sigh*
Gonna post your shirts this week hon..............sorry for the delay, but life is slowly returning back to 'normal'.
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