Monday, April 28, 2008

Too Damn Cute

I got the baby chics today, and I swear they should come with a warning label..."WARNING, THESE CHICKS ARE TERRIBLY CUTE, AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO LEAVE THEM ALONE"..LOL

They are snug in their dog crate for now, but I'm sure they'll outgrow it within a week or two. They arrived in the mail, and had to pick them up at the Post Office. They are residing in my "den"/back room, and I have the crate equiped with 2 heat lamps, 2 thermometers, 2 food dishes/troughs, and a gallon of water. Its also wrapped with 2 flannel sheets, and kept at a snug 90 degrees F. The are just "peeping" away and I keep going in and peaking through the opening at them. TOO DAMN CUTE!! The pictures just don't do them justice! It was too funny, I didn't have a part of it properly blocked off, and the next thing I know I've got a chick running across the floor at me!! LMAO

the box they came in:


their new home:




Anonymous said...

Damn Cute!!! You just wait. They'll still find ways to get out, and they get more and more difficult to catch!!

Jayne said...

Awwww, too cute :-)