Friday, June 13, 2008

How does your garden grow?

Mine is growing by leaps and bounds!! I am learning a lot from said garden, as well. Like, don't plant broccoli in the spring/summer. Same with the radishes. Ok, got it. Strawberries that are transplanted will probably not produce until the following year, and weeds will grow anywhere, at any given time, especially when your back is turned!!

So we've gone from this:


To this:


With all the rain we are getting, I'm suprised it hasn't washed away. The meat birds are doing fine as well, and its time for processing them. I did 5 yesterday all by my little ol self and it wasn't hard at all. I was cutting off the leg/thigh as one portion at the joint, same with the wings, and then the breast meat I peeled the skin and just filleted it off the ribs. So, there was no gutting needed. That made my job a lot easier and faster. By the 5 bird, I was doing quite well!!





Of course, I fried some up for lunch and not only was it really good, but such a different taste than store-bought. Lots of flavor, and actual 'texture'. So this weekend the DH and I are going to finish the processing (40 left to go!) and do a 'test kitchen' of sorts...bake it, grill it, marinate it, etc. to see what works best. At some point I would like to can it, as well. I'm also going to try my hand at either grilling or boiling a whole bird. I think we have enough of them to test with!!! :)

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