Friday, June 27, 2008


Anyone who has followed WWF, or the World Wrestling Federation about 10 years ago knows exactly what that stands for. There was/is a wrestler who goes by the name Stone Cold Steve Austin, and it is he that coined that phrase. Shouting from the ring, wearing it on t-shirts that sold by the millions..D.T.A.!!!

So what does it mean to those of you who could care less about that world of entertainment? It means: Don't Trust Anyone. That's it...nothing more, nothing less. So why is today's blog titled such? I will tell you why.....

I've been betrayed, lied to, and played a fool. I knew it was going to come sooner or later, simply because this person is just after personal gaine, no matter the cost. My SIL....but here's the goes to a whole list of people in my life.

My father used to always tell me "Its a wise person who can count the number of TRUE friends on one hand." Of course, as with all teens and 20-somethings, we don't believe it. Well, I'm here to tell you, its true.

I have 2 true friends in my life.....2 people I know would drop everything to help me, who would give their life for me, and I would, without hesitation, give my life for them.

The Handler

Here's the deal with everyone else:

*Your immediate family is trying to con you out of everything they can....take, take, take without giving an inch. Always conning, lieing, finding a way to get over on you, competing with you, etc.

*Your In-Laws are watching, waiting for you to screw up the member of their family that you married so they can pounce on you. They use you for personal gaine, not wanting to return a favor unless its convenient for them.

*Your 'friends' turn out to never really be who they say they are. They never really end up being the people you met, or thought you knew. Their words are hollow, with no meaning.

*Your co-workers, well, their just after the promotion and your corner desk.

I told the DH last night, "you can trust 2 individuals in life...your spouse, and your dog...both can be iffy at times". He laughed, but agreed.

So, my wonderful aquaintences, watch who you talk to, who you tell your secrets to, because you just never know. Remember.... D.T.A.


The Handler said...

Half of me is very happy to have made it on to your list but the half of me is very sad becasue your list is so short.
I didn't know what D.T.A. meant but I agree with it.
Maybe it is becasue I have done a lot of things in my past that kept me from trusting anyone but the people I had to. I will admit that I have been screwed over in the past but it wasn't near as bad as it could have been. I must be lucky.
You have my number when you want to talk.

Jayne said...

Ne'er a true word spoken! I have plenty of aquaintances, but only 2 trusted friends, plus my husband. I'm well happy with my own company & am not the type of person who gets lonely - I have no problem with being alone. At least I know I can trust myself!! (OK, sometimes not when there's chocolate around......*coff*)
My SIL (bro's wife) made damn sure she alienated him from his family & as a result, I simply don't know him anymore. If truth be told, I honestly don't know if I even want to know him. I last saw him about 15yrs ago & I've spoken to him twice in all that time. My parents, well into their 70's now, say on a regular basis that they just want me & my brother to get together with them 'one last time' - a difficult task as we're on 3 different continents. I've said the only way I'll meet him again will be WITHOUT the poison witch he married - it'll be on MY terms - take it or leave it. It's harsh & it saddens me, but I'll be stuffed if I'm going to get caught up in turmoil that the witch just loves to create. I don't know my neices or nephew & I don't know their kids. It has been my choice & I feel in my heart, it has been the right decision. As a family, they'd make Days of Our Lives look like Tellytubbies! I don't need that crap in my life, I really don't.
Grandma was such a good judge of character. She would tell me from a first meeting of someone, as to whether they were 'good or trouble' & as far as I can remember, she was never wrong.

Thank you for the links hon :-)
Hey, it's riding weather in your end of the world! How's the bike??