....to be extremely BUSY!!!! I don't know if I could pack any more shit into my day. Between trying to get the little shit done before we leave, to getting the holiday shit done, I meet myself coming and going...its getting annoying because I realize how bad my hair looks!! lol
The wonderful DH decided that we would have one last 'hoorah' before we left, and that would entail putting up all the trees (6 or 7, I lost count)plus ALL the decorations and then some. We would then send out invitations to the family and friends for a "Christmas Open House" with TONS of food. I sent out 31 invitations, and if everyone comes, I'll have between 60 - 80 people coming through my house between 4 - 8pm. Eating, touring the house, asking tons of questions, commenting on trees, did I mention eating?
I have spent today making pretzels covered in white chocolate, vanilla oreos covered in regular chocolate, hanging the lights outside along the fence, along with the bows. I also did 4 loads of laundry, folded it all and put it away, did 2 sinks of dishes, moved a twin bed/boxspring into the closet, re-arranged the clothes in said closet, and still had time to take pics of 5 crates to send to a friend who needs one. People, that is just TODAY. Its 5:30 and I just sat down for the first time since 8 this morning. I'm pooped!
Also, I have disengaged the home PC and am working off of our laptop. We had it completely cleaned and the memory wiped and re installed. We also took out the 512RAM and put in a 1G stick. I thought it would run faster, but I think since we are on the end of the DSL line it doesn't matter. I can't wait to get on the road and use the cell stick that we'll have. It will allow us to run off of the cell phone towers, which will help, plus we'll have WiFi and high speed at the motels. I believe that is when I'll be glad I put in the 1G.
Anyway, that has been my day. I have so much to do in the days to come, I don't know if I'll have time to post or not...I hope I do!!
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