Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rambling on....

Ok, so I've waited probably a week to get back to this blog, and I'm sure lots of you are wondering WTF? Ok, maybe not 'lots' of you, but I can dream, right? lol

So here's the scoop....DH and I work for a company that does hearing tests, resperator tests, vision tests, and Pulminary Fitness Tests. We travel around our territory (I'll tell ya that part in a bit) and go to different factories and plants that have scheduled us to test their employees. We mostly do hearing, but ocassionally we'll do the other tests. These tests are conducted in a mobile trailer that has been modified on the inside with an office and a sound proof booth. Our trailer can hold 10 people, all sitting in their own booth to test. There are 2 doors on the side. The front door is to our office, the back door for the people to go in and out. Its a pretty cool outfit, really. Most folks are amazed that we can fit 10 people comfortably in it, lol. You'll have to wait on pics, as I have to get some hard copies first before I put them on the computer.

Anyway, we have spent the last couple of weeks with a trainer, who has been helping us get into a routine and learn whats what with the computer portion. Giving the test isn't hard, but knowing what reports to print, which ones to save, who gets what, what needs printing and sent to the main all gets overwhelming, but we are learning. I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I figured I would have no problems learning what was what but it seems my brain is taking a vacation and I'm having a harder time. But the trainer and DH insist that its not me, its that I've only done the whole process from beginning to end 3 times, lol. I'll get it eventually, I'm sure.

As for our territory....there are 12 sets of Technicians all over the U.S.A. and each is assigned to a different section. So our section, or territory, is Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and some of North/South Carolina. There is one set of Techs that are strictly in Texas, simply because the state is so huge, lol.

We've spent our time here in Jacksonville in the same extended stay type motel, which is fine. I hate packing and unpacking every other day. This place is like a small apartment. 2 beds, a 2 burner stove, full size refrigerator, and microwave. Limited counterspace, but thats ok. So we've been trying to eat back here at the room. Its hard though; I mean, there are so many neat and interesting restaurants around, and I want to try them all!!! Now that, of course, does not fit in with my "get back into shape" plan that I had. *sigh* what to do? lol

On that note, DH and I found the coolest bicycle shop the other day. The guy is from Texas, (like most he is a transplant to FL) and he was very cool. He sells the ever-popular 'beach cruiser' type bikes. They have wide seats (perfect for my big ass), wide handlebars, and big fat tires for cruising on the sand. I found one that I just fell in love with, but I'm not sure I want to pay $400+ for a bike! LOL Its black, with silver flames, which are outlined in hot pink. The wheels are hot pink as well, with big fat white-wall tires. Even the seat has matching flames....freakin' awsome!!! Jayne, you'd definitely understand if you saw it, LOL :D Point being, we are thinking of getting a couple of bikes. Its just too nice out to sit, and we can't rent a Harley all the time, plus, we need the exercise.

All in all, I really am liking the job. I get to meet so many people, and although they aren't keen on testing, I can usually get them to laugh and have a good time. I was given a tour of a box plant. I tell ya, if you don't know how boxes are made, you'd be amazed if you saw the process. Its pretty neat!! Next week we get to go to the Anhueser-Busch beer plant which should be fun. Sometime we'll also get to do Busch Gardens amusement park, as well as the Wrigley Gum plant. I'm pretty excited about them all!!

So, I'm off to enjoy another weekend. Its going to be chilly this coming week, but thats ok!!!! :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Iowa, Florida, the road inbetween, and other musings...

I know its been FOREVER since I last blogged. I could throw out lots of reasons for this, but why? I'll just get right into whats been going on since my last entry. This may be a long one, or it may cut short, I don't know yet. I do know there will be pictures, and the usual sprinkling of bad language, and the ocassional rant. Whats new, right?

Ok, so last I left you all, we were leaving Rockford, IL for Muscatine, IA to work. We arrive at our hotel, and the temps are dropping fast. Lots of snow, wind, and below freezing temps. Did I mention I hate the freakin' cold? Anyway, we get checked in and meet up with our trainer (the crazy one) to get our times and duties figured out. That done, we go eat and rest.

The whole week we were testing folks on resperators, hearing, and what is called a PFT...Pulminary Fitness Test. Basically, lung capacity. Long story there, but I'll leave it at that. Mornings start early, usually around 0530, and the days are long. We break at 0930 for an hour, then back at it til 1430. Now I know you're thinking that its not that long, but let me tell ya, when you're up at 0400, testing about 100 people a day, 1430 is long. Also, after we stop testing, there's an hour's worth of paperwork, then we go eat (that's another hour) then back to the motel. By the time you wind down, shower, etc. Its almost 1900. By then, I'm wiped out.

Anyway, we made it through the week with really no hassles other than the weather. At one point we weren't sure if the car would start, being as it was 17 below (F) with a wind chill of 40 below zero. Holy shit thats cold!! On Friday we were cut loose early (0930) due to a couple of factors... 1: we had a long drive ahead of us, and 2: we learned that portion of the job quicker than most.




So off we head to NC. NC you ask? Yep, we wanted to stop and see my dad before heading to FL. We made it to NC on Saturday evening, and got checked in.


We had a real nice time with my dad and left on Monday morning. Of course, for those of you that have been following this all along, you all know that the woman who gave birth to me also lives in the same town as my dad. Now, I haven't heard from this bitch since July, and figured she would find out in one way or another that I was in town. And she did. We are driving down the road on Monday, and suddenly my cell rings....its her. How coincendental! You don't call for 6 months, and suddenly you "want to talk." PFT...what the fuck ever!! Obviously she left a voicemail, which I laughed at and deleted.

Anyway, we had a nice drive all day. Enjoying the sun, and continuously warming temps.


We had fun looking at all the sights, and just enjoying the views with NO SNOW!!


And if any of you get a chance, eat here:


Arriving in FL, we of course see the cruise ship in port,


and the cool bridges,


Anyway, our arrival was fairly eventless, and our week was very busy, but went well!! We are at a paper mill and box factory. I'll talk about that later, because at the moment, I want to go to the beach!! Sooooo, all my loyal readers, you'll have to wait for the rest of the story...maybe today, maybe tomorrow!! I'm a bitch, ain't I? xxx

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Last day....

Well folks, today is our last day here in Rockford, IL. Tomorrow morning we will finish things up at the main office, then its off to Muscatine, IA where we will meet our trainer and another team of techs (they've been working with this company for a year). We will then spend a week there and then...WOOHOOO!!! its off to Florida!!

Today I've been getting the laundry done. Usually hotels have a couple washers/dryers. Not this one. There is ONE washer and dryer for the whole building. Thank goodness I'm the only one doing laundry today!! Of course, the dryer takes forever to dry your clothes, but what else have I got to do today? I mean hell, there is about 6 inches of snow on the ground, its 24*F, and on a Sunday, there isn't much open. So we sit here, getting clothes washed and packed and watching lots of TV.

I was going to make a couple of spreadsheets to use for our expenses from Per Diem, as well as for our Salary, but I am an idiot when it comes to Excel, so I have to wait til we get to FL. One of our trainers is really proficient with the program, so I have to wait for him to teach me. I want to keep track of our expenses without using paper, but if I can't learn the program or figure out exactly how I want it to operate, then paper it will stay.

Beyond that, I don't have much news. Its freakin cold and I want to go south...period. I was talking to my dad yesterday, (he lives in North Carolina)and he was in a t-shirt and jeans outside working on his tractor....HELLO!!! When I told him about the cold and snow here, he said "You can keep that shit!" I laughed so hard and COMPLETELY agreed!!

Here is a silly pic of me in Sam's Club....DH had just got me that hat, and I love it!! Yeah, I'm a what???


Thursday, January 8, 2009

So far....

Well, for a small update, things so far are going pretty well. As with anything, there are boring days in training. But I figure it could be worse, I could be in the cold!! LOL

Anyway, we're learning terminology, how to read and fill out paperwork, who to call and when, computer programs, etc. Next week we'll be with a trainer and another set of Techs doing a big job. It will be a good OJT week.

Of course, we've met all 13 sets of Techs. And again, as with any job, you have your 'cool' people, your 'ok' people, and then you have your 'oh god, please stop talking to me' people. One couple who is about our age, I thought would be cool, but alas, no. The DH is great; laid back, decent sense of humor, etc. The wife? HA! She has done nothing but whine and complain about everything. She hates this motel, "They are so rude here and nothing works"; she hates the restaurant across the parking lot, "I was served bloody meatloaf" (which is almost impossible); and "I hate this town". Anymore, just hearing her voice drives me crazy. Then there is another woman who actually works in the office. Now, she is a doozy....I know there are people out there who are obsessed with certain things, and thats ok. But really, please don't spend an hour telling me about "Farscape" and the convention you attended concerning said TV show. And I do not care how many times a day you check or change your MySpace page, or about your last boyfriend. Please stop chasing me down to tell me about what you did after work. I don't care. There are nice folks, don't get me wrong. But it seems each set has some issue. One couple, the DH is fine, but she is loud, rude, obnoxious, and generally just an idiot. Another couple is ok, he is quiet while she is trying to convert the entire world to bible thumping Christianity. Then you have the couple that you 'think' is going to be ok, only to find out that they live a really odd lifestyle. You get the picture. On top of all that, DH and I have managed (not on purpose) to piss people off. Ok, we have managed to somehow make them feel inferior...great. I'm sorry we've traveled extensively before. I'm sorry he's had his CDL-A longer than anyone in the room. I'm sorry I spent 8 years in the military working explosive sniffing dogs. I'm sorry I've been to countries you haven't. WTF am I supposed to do? Jeeeez.

But, I just keep smiling, nodding, laughing when I think I'm supposed to,blah blah blah. In 12 days, I'll be in Florida and won't have to worry about any of these yahoos!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Our first stop....

Last night at around 830pm we arrived in Rockford, IL, our first stop on the journey to our new job. This week we will be doing paperwork, drug testing, and other misc. stuff as well as starting our classroom training. This will more than likely entail how to use the equipment, do paperwork, file, etc.

We are pretty excited about the whole adventure! Of course, it doesn't come easy. Last night after unloading the car (about 10+ bags in all) the DH discovered that the driver's side door wouldn't lock. So off we went to WalMart to get a socket set so he cold sit in the parking lot and fix it...*sigh* I almost had to laugh, because its just our luck. Nothing goes completely as smooth as we'd like, and this was just another bump in the road, LOL.

Anyway, I'll try to post again after training today!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

A day with my stepson...

Yesterday me, DH, and DS drove 3hours to Dubuque, IA to see our DSS for the day. He was unable to come here for the Christmas holiday due to some mysterious illness that plagued his entire family...??? tell me and we'll all know. ANYWAY....

We arrived about 15 min early only to have to wait out that time because his wonderful mother wanted him to do ALL of the dishes before he left...she didn't want him to leave a minute sooner than the alloted time. After picking him up we went to the mall to eat at a cafeteria and then get on with the day. I won't go into the conversations, its way too complicated, but lets just say there was a lot of story changing on his part when I called him out on things. 'Nuff said.

After lunch we went DS and I had a BLAST!!! I chose in-line skates, as I feel more comfortable on them. I used to ice skate quite a bit as a child and it just falls together for me. So we skated for about 2 1/2 hours, and still had and hour and a half to kill before he had to be home. Man, that was a long hour and a half! DH and I decided we would try to get a few errands taken care of since we were in the 'city'. We went to the Verizon store looking for a case and headphones for the DS's new phone...EXPENSIVE!! We did get a memory chip for him, though. We then went to WalMart to look for said case and dice. Off to Best Buy where the DSS wanted to buy an electric guitar with his Christmas money. Now, if he was living with us, I would say 'no problem', but his mother is....well,....anyway, we told him to ask her. He was pissed about it but oh well. Then it was on to Target to find the DH some work pants. You would think that all Target stores would carry the same things...NO. They didn't have the same pants we had purchased 2 weeks ago at the one in Burlington, IA. *sigh* So all in all, our errands were a bust.

Here is the DSS:


That mop on top of his head needs to be GONE, but again, I have no control over that part. He's lucky I don't...gggrrr.

Beyond that, we stopped on the way home at Famous Dave's...YUMMY!! I absolutely love their BBQ!! That put us home by 930pm. We were all so pooped! DH and DS slept in, but I just couldn't, so I got up and got the coffee going, and fed the chickens.

Speaking of chickens, the last 5 Barred Rock hens we have will be taken care of by my BIL. He wanted to keep them so they will stay here in the coop and he will come by to feed, water, and gather eggs. I don't k now how long it will last, but its not my buzz after Sunday.

Which brings me to the final point....I take the DS back home on Saturday, and then on Sunday we'll get the final things packed and loaded here. Then its off to Rockford, IL for our training, etc. We will be in FL by the 20th of Jan...woot!!

Today I'm trying to keep the DS occupied while I pack more shit, and clean. We may fire off his rocket again today since its nice and the winds are low. That will help, too. Plus we are going to Burlington, IA this evening to do the errands we couldn't do yesterday. So another full day ahead....whew!

I'll try to post before leaving, but no guarantees!! :p