Well, for a small update, things so far are going pretty well. As with anything, there are boring days in training. But I figure it could be worse, I could be in the cold!! LOL
Anyway, we're learning terminology, how to read and fill out paperwork, who to call and when, computer programs, etc. Next week we'll be with a trainer and another set of Techs doing a big job. It will be a good OJT week.
Of course, we've met all 13 sets of Techs. And again, as with any job, you have your 'cool' people, your 'ok' people, and then you have your 'oh god, please stop talking to me' people. One couple who is about our age, I thought would be cool, but alas, no. The DH is great; laid back, decent sense of humor, etc. The wife? HA! She has done nothing but whine and complain about everything. She hates this motel, "They are so rude here and nothing works"; she hates the restaurant across the parking lot, "I was served bloody meatloaf" (which is almost impossible); and "I hate this town". Anymore, just hearing her voice drives me crazy. Then there is another woman who actually works in the office. Now, she is a doozy....I know there are people out there who are obsessed with certain things, and thats ok. But really, please don't spend an hour telling me about "Farscape" and the convention you attended concerning said TV show. And I do not care how many times a day you check or change your MySpace page, or about your last boyfriend. Please stop chasing me down to tell me about what you did after work. I don't care. There are nice folks, don't get me wrong. But it seems each set has some issue. One couple, the DH is fine, but she is loud, rude, obnoxious, and generally just an idiot. Another couple is ok, he is quiet while she is trying to convert the entire world to bible thumping Christianity. Then you have the couple that you 'think' is going to be ok, only to find out that they live a really odd lifestyle. You get the picture. On top of all that, DH and I have managed (not on purpose) to piss people off. Ok, we have managed to somehow make them feel inferior...great. I'm sorry we've traveled extensively before. I'm sorry he's had his CDL-A longer than anyone in the room. I'm sorry I spent 8 years in the military working explosive sniffing dogs. I'm sorry I've been to countries you haven't. WTF am I supposed to do? Jeeeez.
But, I just keep smiling, nodding, laughing when I think I'm supposed to,blah blah blah. In 12 days, I'll be in Florida and won't have to worry about any of these yahoos!!!
I feel your pain sister! We have a dog handler with the most negitive attitude. I don't even like to be in the same building as him. We have a guard that just won't shut up. She will talk to herself even if you aren't in the room. I don't know how many many times I have heard her talking to herself. It got so bad one day that another guard told her to "SHUT THE F*** UP". You know the old saying? the more people I meet... The better I like my dog.
There's a woman who rides with our local chapter. Her hubby is a real darlin', but her..........whine, bitch, moan, complain on & on & on. She'd never lived overseas before & you'd think being here would be a bit of an adventure. Nah, all we get is "back home........" etc etc.
I guess the old saying is right. Every village has an idiot
I know exactly what both of you are saying....its so aggrivating!! Lucky for me, I won't have to see her again for six months....and Jayne, I've been overseas plenty, as well as in almost every state here in the USA and know better than to say "back home...." ugh, what a loon!!!
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