We arrived about 15 min early only to have to wait out that time because his wonderful mother wanted him to do ALL of the dishes before he left...she didn't want him to leave a minute sooner than the alloted time. After picking him up we went to the mall to eat at a cafeteria and then get on with the day. I won't go into the conversations, its way too complicated, but lets just say there was a lot of story changing on his part when I called him out on things. 'Nuff said.
After lunch we went rollerskating....my DS and I had a BLAST!!! I chose in-line skates, as I feel more comfortable on them. I used to ice skate quite a bit as a child and it just falls together for me. So we skated for about 2 1/2 hours, and still had and hour and a half to kill before he had to be home. Man, that was a long hour and a half! DH and I decided we would try to get a few errands taken care of since we were in the 'city'. We went to the Verizon store looking for a case and headphones for the DS's new phone...EXPENSIVE!! We did get a memory chip for him, though. We then went to WalMart to look for said case and headphones...no dice. Off to Best Buy where the DSS wanted to buy an electric guitar with his Christmas money. Now, if he was living with us, I would say 'no problem', but his mother is....well,....anyway, we told him to ask her. He was pissed about it but oh well. Then it was on to Target to find the DH some work pants. You would think that all Target stores would carry the same things...NO. They didn't have the same pants we had purchased 2 weeks ago at the one in Burlington, IA. *sigh* So all in all, our errands were a bust.
Here is the DSS:

That mop on top of his head needs to be GONE, but again, I have no control over that part. He's lucky I don't...gggrrr.
Beyond that, we stopped on the way home at Famous Dave's...YUMMY!! I absolutely love their BBQ!! That put us home by 930pm. We were all so pooped! DH and DS slept in, but I just couldn't, so I got up and got the coffee going, and fed the chickens.
Speaking of chickens, the last 5 Barred Rock hens we have will be taken care of by my BIL. He wanted to keep them so they will stay here in the coop and he will come by to feed, water, and gather eggs. I don't k now how long it will last, but its not my buzz after Sunday.
Which brings me to the final point....I take the DS back home on Saturday, and then on Sunday we'll get the final things packed and loaded here. Then its off to Rockford, IL for our training, etc. We will be in FL by the 20th of Jan...woot!!
Today I'm trying to keep the DS occupied while I pack more shit, and clean. We may fire off his rocket again today since its nice and the winds are low. That will help, too. Plus we are going to Burlington, IA this evening to do the errands we couldn't do yesterday. So another full day ahead....whew!
I'll try to post before leaving, but no guarantees!! :p
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