Friday, February 12, 2010

Some things....

Some things you can blog about, and others you can't. I'm at the "I can't" point. I have so much on my brain, so much emotion, yet I can't say a word about it. Why? This is a public blog. I know too many people who 'drop in' from time to time who would not understand my thoughts, or my emotions. Some would even tell others, and chaos would ensue. This I cannot have. If things are going to happen, it will be because Fate and Karma will it to be so.

So, forgive me fellow bloggers if I do not post for awhile, or if my posts seem lackluster and boring. I've just got so much swirling around, I need to be the bear that I am and hybernate.


Jayne said...

I sooo know the feeling hon, especially with the ongoing saga of my family.

HD Chic said...

Thanx ya xoxo