As we all know my life can go from 0 to overdrive in less than a day. Lately its been no different.
This past Sunday I picked up my son, and it seems we've been on the go ever since. I had purchased tickets for Steamboat Days so I can take him to see Zach Brown Band. We were supposed to also see Billy Currington on Tuesday. We got there and after getting our seats and a hot dog, it started to rain....then pour. We tried to sit it out, but he looked at me and said "Mom, lets go, we can go home and watch a movie." Great kid, right? So we ate soggy hot dogs and fries on the ride home, and of course it cleared up after we left. He didn't seem to mind.
Yesterday we played Wii and cleaned house, then went to the woods to try our hand at building an outdoor kitchen. It turned out well but I noticed my son is lazy. He lives with his dad in a subdivision and has no clue about life outside the pavement. I asked him "Have you done dishes at home?" his answer was "Yeah, I put them in the dishwasher and press Start"....ugh. So there was a lesson in hand-washing dishes properly. After watching me take clean ones out of the drying rack, he asked me "Mom, where do they go when I get done rinsing them off?" DUH, right where I just took the clean ones out of! He had no idea. When we were in the woods I told him to mix me up some'd have thought his hands were fragile. He acted as if it was a problem, and did the whole thing half-assed. When I would make him hold something, or try to show him how to tie a knot, he would sigh as if he was bored out of his brain. He won't do anything by himself unless its watching movies. If I'm beating him at a Wii game, he just quits and goes to watch a movie. But if he is winning, he wants to play all day. He has no desire to actually practice to get better, he just stops and pouts. I've been trying to encourage him to practice things, and get involved with projects, but hell, he acted as if picking peas in the garden was a complete hassle. He's killing me!
I've got another week with him, and plan on seeing a movie or 2. He loves the horse, but if I get her out, he'll only mess with her if I do, and again, then its only half-assed. I show him time and again how to brush her, and its a lost cause. Same for the dog...he had no clue how to scrub him. Anyway, if I had more time, or if he was in my custody, this would be rectified, or it would never be an issue.
Now his dad is another issue. He's been very deceitful about things lately, and I'm not sure why. We've always been on the same page with things, but it seems he's siding now with my family. Yep, the bitch that gave birth to me, and her daughter. The ex has decided to not only befriend them but also allowing my son to hang with them. He also has chosen not to tell me about it. HELLO! ITS MY FREAKIN RELATIVES WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!! Why would you not tell me? And why would you not consult me on this decision? They are freaking criminals!!! I sent him an email explaining my feelings, and I'm sure it will do one of 2 will either make him stop and think about his choices, or cause him to get pissed off and cut my visitation, or have me put in jail for being behind in my child support payments. All I can do is hope its the former. I wish I had joint custody. I don't quite know how to go about it, and damn sure don't have the money for a lawyer and court fees, but bet your ass if I could file for it I would.
In other news, Royalty seems to be getting worse about her attitude. So I've got a friend's son coming out sometime this weekend to ride her and see what I need to do to get her brattiness adjusted.
Beyond that, I don't have much else. Its horribly humid, which means I just don't want to be outside, which means the garden is getting out of control. I just need to suck it up and work on it. I wouldn't mind it but there is no breeze so the flies are horrible.
Anyway, hope you all are having a great summer...or winter, depending on where you are! :D
I LOVE the new layout hon - very fresh looking :-)
Hmmm, seems like the ex is out to stir things up, aided by the BTGBTY & by the sounds of it, you REALLY don't need this! In my opinion, your son is merely mimicking what he does/the way he's growing up by what happens in his fathers house. You're in a delicate position here hon, cos his dad is entitled to 'call the shots'. Accept your son as he is (for now) as you have precious time with him darlin', but in a few years time, when he's older & can understand better, you ccan fill him in on the blanks that his father chooses to leave out.
Jayne, you are my rock in the storm girl!
I changed the colors when I found out my 'stalker' had mimicked the old one *sigh*..
As for the ex, he does hold the cards, and I'm trying to be very mature (which at times is very hard, lol). I let him know how I feel, and hope for the best.
I try to make every moment count here, but don't want him to think that I'm 'easy'. So I treat it as if he's lived here his whole life, with a few crazy things thrown in. And yes, when he's older, he'll know the truth and I'll let him decide.
Thank you so much hon for hangin in there with me, I do appreciate it!! xoxo
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