So I've been sitting around brooding, thinking, and just letting my brain do its thing. Its funny the things you can think of when you just let you're brain wander.
So I was thinking about things I've heard....funny really, what got me thinking of it. I actually heard a chicken flatulate. That's right, a chicken fart. I can honestly say that is a first for me. I've heard dogs, horses, cows, and various animals at the zoo, but never a chicken. Odd really. Kind of like a rooster 'purring' or 'growling'. They 'purr' to their hens when I take corn or food out, but 'growl' at each other. I've heard dogs and cats growl, even heard a deer 'cough' as a warning signal to other deer, but this again was a first.
Another thing happened that got me thinking....I saw a baby chick YAWN. Yep, evidently he was tired, and just stood there bleary eyed and yawned. It was really cute, actually. Again, I've seen various animals yawn, both the 2-legged and 4-legged species. But its something kinda different to see a chicken do it.
I'd be interested to hear what unusual things you all have heard/seen. :)
Something else that I was thinking about.....
We've all pondered the question "If you could do it all again...." So I asked myself the question. 'Knowing what I know now, would I go back to a certain time/place and make a different choice?'. Probably. Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets in my life. I believe that if you live your life regreting decisions you made, you'll live in misery. They feed upon each other. So no, I don't have regrets. I am however, curious about things. What if I'd have said or done something different? What direction would my life have taken? I came to the conclusion I would go back to 1993-ish. I was in Las Vegas. I knew people. I did things. I just wonder if I would have changed a few decisions how it would have gone. Do you all ever wonder? I'm happy with my life as it stands...I've got a great hubby, my boys, my animals, my "farm", my Harley, my friends. Why would I change that? lol....But if you could just see what it would be like, would you?
And speaking of decisions....I am one to usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but only once. I also believe in the saying "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer". That being said, I've been played the fool. I mistakenly gave someone, a family member even, a chance. I thought that after 8 years of being 'blown off' and not taken seriously, that she actually wanted to give true friendship a go. I thought she actually valued my knowledge and experience, my advice. Turns out, I was used...and badly. Once the rough spot was over, I was thrown out like yesterday's trash. What was a phone call everyday, or an IM or email, ended abruptly. The hubs warned me, but I kept saying "No, I think she really wants to make this work" ...PPPPFFFFTTTT. When will I learn that 90% of the time he is right about these things???? So, As I said, I feel the fool. will not happen again. Although I am bitter about it, hurt even, I will not let that show. I will keep my enemies closer. I will not let on that I know of her deception. I will take a different approach. Being a 'seasoned woman', its not like I am new to the drama, the deception, the lies, etc. I've been down this road before, and come out just fine. I will be fine again. Although the hubs is not happy about it, but its his protective nature, as any man would be when his girl is hurting, or has been hurt. It goes back to the caveman days of 'protect your assets'. We will get over it, and put it in that file that all women have in the back of their know the one. >:~}
I also stopped to think about how I've changed over the years. Going from a spontaneous, do anything at anytime person, to planning a majority of my day and making sure things are taken care of before jumping and running. I didn't realize I had become that way, but the hubs has nicely pointed it out on several ocassions. Thanx for that. I think it comes from having children. You must plan things, and plan around the plans. Same with animals. Both species feed and thrive off of schedules. They feel secure when they know what to expect, and although spontenaety is great, some things need to be kept on track. I've also become...not more lenient, but more tolerant. I am no longer the 'drill instructor' mom I used to be. I still require things be done when I say, and no talking back, but I also don't freak out when my kids run screaming through the house on their way out the door. I don't have a fit if they don't eat supper, I simply don't allow desert. I have learned to keep my blood pressure
All in all, people will do what they do, regardless of our views, thoughts, or actions. The best we can do is what we know is right, and go from there. I personally enjoy letting my thoughts wander, and highly recommend it. You'd be amazed at how you can really laugh at yourself, and the things you think of. :)
People rarely take time to think, to actually sit down and just think. It's too bad, really!! But, hey, you know me... I spend WAY TOO much time thinking! That can get you in trouble too!
This really is a great post hon! I honestly don't know (that) if I had the opportunity to change things, if I'd do it again. Perhaps I could 'take away' the painful parts/episodes, but then again, we learn from (emotionally) painful experiences don't we?
I'm deep in thought now........!! true. Anymore, we are too busy running here and yon to stop and think. Too bad, really.
Jayne...thanx! I agree, the painful parts helped to make us who we are. Changing those would change our core self! Glad I got ya thinkin!! :)
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