Wednesday, May 28, 2008

update on things around here

I was so excited when I went to the garden today. My radishes were ready to harvest! On top of that, my green beans are FINALLY starting to pop up, corn is rowing, as are the peas...cucs are starting to look good and tomatoes are budding. I wish the strawberries would start producing better, but in time I suppose. Potatoes are going nuts, and the peppers are 'fair'. So, I wanted to post a couple of pictures of the radishes I picked today...



And believe it or not, this is 2 seperate flowers I planted LAST YEAR!! They seem to be the only thing doing well in our crazy weather!



And finally, the chicks....they are getting real big, and will be ready to butcher in about 3 weeks.




So there ya have it folks...I'm getting about a dozen eggs a day on average, and once the weather levels out, the garden will be doing great!!


Anonymous said...

the chickens are huge!!! They're looking real good... You can butcher in increments... Fryers, bakers, broilers...

The radishes... mmmm... I miss growing a salad garden.

What kind of flower is that. It's beautiful. Does it have woody stems? Is it a bush, it looks huge!! Is it going to come back next year?

HD Chic said...

Girl, for the life of me I can't remember the name of that flower! I had the tag floating around here, and now it has disappeared..ugh. I'll find it and get back to you!! I do know that it was a small plant when I bought it at Home Depot, and had it in a pot, then put it in the ground last year. I figured it would die over the winter, and when I started to dig it up, the roots were still in tact, and there was green foliage! So I left it alone and look at it now! And its 2 plants I put side by, not woody stems, but very hardy!

Anonymous said...

Well, I like the blue... It reminds me of a cornflower or something like that, but I dont think that's the name. I could see a whole border of them!! If you find the name, you let me know, or send me more pics and I'll try and look it up.

Jayne said...

It looks very similar to what we had in a garden in SA - we would trim it back every year & by the time I left the place, it'd grown to well over 6ft tall & spread to about 12yds in width!
I can't believe how fast the chooks have grown in such a short space of time!

I'm still envious btw..........!!