Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What is going on?

I'm not a religious person in the least. Call me a true believer in Darwin and his theories, hate me for it, I don't care. I'm not one to bash people, and try not to judge people for their beliefs. As long as you don't push it on me, I'm good.

I do, however, believe that Mother Nature is an entity that should not be messed with. I believe that things happen for a reason, and although it may not be "higher power' related, it is the Earth's way of smacking us in the face. So I ask...what is going on?

Tornadoes, hurricanes, wild fires, drought, tsunamis, disease(cancer is rampant), famine, poverty, .....the list goes on. My church-going friends tell me its written in the bible that the 'end of days' is approaching when these events come to pass in the intensity that we see them at. I believe that Mother Earth, or Mother Nature if you prefer, is trying to tell us to SHAPE UP. She is giving us a swift kick in the ass as a wake up call. But the problem is, we aren't listening. Ok, maybe we are starting to listen, but its too late. Too little too late. "Going Green" is a great concept that should have been started 30 years ago, or longer. So why aren't we doing more? Well, that depends on who you ask.

Some will tell you its a government conspiracy, some will tell you its all a lie, and the list of theories goes on. I'm not sure what I believe, or know, but I do hope that if nothing else, my children will grow up in a better world, and even my grandchildren. I think the younger generations are seeing how we screwed up, and are wanting to do something. Colleges/Universities are now offering classes on "green", and the even younger children are working towards stopping this problem. They are trying to fix what we messed up. I truly hope they do.


The Handler said...

I think Mother Nature is telling us to stop having kids. She can only handle about 3.5 to 4 billion people. We can't keep on haveing kids and try to save all of the other animals on the planet.

Jayne said...

I'm not at all religious (bordering on athiest I guess) & firmly believe diseases like AIDS & the forces of flooding/tornado's/earthquakes etc are Mother Nature's way of thinning the population.