Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A horrible week....

....and its only Wednesday!! This week started out with DH getting screwed on a load issue, so his miles will be low. Then I noticed my 5 week old buckling goat was bloated, and had to wait all day for the vet to show up. That night he was doing better, but the next day he wasn't up to his normal self. Tuesday night he didn't want to eat, and this morning I found he had died in the night. *sigh* I know its part of owning animals, and especially young livestock, but I have to say I cried. I buried him near where I had the Schnauzers buried, by the garden. The messed up part is that Clyde was such a sweetie. He loved to lay in my lap and sleep, or just stand by me and hang out. He loved to snuggle, and would put his nose in my neck and relax.

I hope to find another buckling this weekend, one that is already weaned. Bonnie, the doeling is almost weaned herself, so it would be a good match.

In other news, a bright note......a friend of mine whom I gave my mastiff Ben to 2 years ago has offered him back to me. I'd love to have my snugga-bear back!! I'm excited!! I've missed him soooo much!

Beyond that, I'm working on the quilt...still. Its all laid out on the living room floor, which I admit is not a good place for it, but I need to have the pieces laid out so I can see what I'm doing. I figure I'll need a dozen or so more strips to get it done. Its been slow going as most days I just look at it and say "um, no, not today". Today however, I NEED to be motivated to work on it. The garden is doing its thing, the animals are taken care of, and I've got nothing else going on at the moment. I'm sure I could find a thousand things to do besides the quilt, but I need to make some progress on it. If nothing else I need to get the pieces ironed out. ugh. I think my problem is that the sun is shinning and I'd love to be outside. Usually I save the 'inside chores' for rainy days, but then when those arrive, I just want to be lazy on the couch! So, I have to get my ass in gear and get to working on it. When its done, it will be 120" x 120"......possibly an inch or 3 bigger all around, once the edging is done. Big enough to cover a king bed with no problems!

And finally, another rant about the 'goings on' around the world. Lets see, we've got volcanoes in Iceland, rain in the Arctic, glaciers breaking up, oil in the Gulf, flooding in the southeast, and earthquakes daily that nobody seems to feel the need to report. On top of that, there is a rogue satallite in space threatening to take out 5 communication sattelites ....these cover the airlines. Go figure. I'm telling you, something is going down.....just look around and actually READ the news, all of it.....

1 comment:

Jayne said...

So sorry to read about Clyde :-(

I'm so happy you're back on the farm :-) Now all you need is a bike again LoL