Monday, May 17, 2010

Ok, so here I am again. Things here on the farm seem to be on hold, with all the freakin rain. The garden is flooded, and I'm sure I'll have to re-plant many seeds. My poor goat and chickens seem to be wading up to their "parts" just to get around, Ben can't go out and come back in without looking like he just swam the Nile, and my horse is up to her ankles. I'm just glad she can get in the barn (the stall is higher) where there is dry straw for her to stand on. It at least gives her feet a break.

In other news I'm working on making purses/bags out of my old jeans. They don't take long to make, and although I've seen similar types sell for $20, I'm selling mine for $5. I've got a couple orders already, so I'm happy.

As for the family issues, its become obvious that since things were said, nothing will be the same. I went to a graduation party last night and you'd have thought I had the plague. I made everyone uncomfortable, and when the initial offending group walked in, I promptly walked out. I have no use for bratty 36 year old men who think that they can control my life. I could go on and on about my feelings with this person and the whole situation, but I won't. My happiness is when I go out each day to the spot of pasture where MY horse is. I smile, knowing that my facts and the truth won out. He should know by now not to play games with me....I will win.

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