Thursday, July 31, 2008

Change in plans

Oh boy, did I mess up!!

I had my whole day planned out....making salsa, relish, bread, egg casserole, doing laundry, mopping the floor, etc. Then the phone rang, and it was my BIL. You know, the one with the hog building. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why he would be calling. I found out real fast.

Let me digress....about a month or so ago, BIL was power washing out the hog barn, when the gas can for the generator powered washer fell over, igniting the whole front part. Scorching the ceiling, walls, etc. The water pipe along the ceiling broke and extinguished the fire, (thank goodness) but the result was a blackened mess. Well, he hosed it all down as best he could, but lets face it, the man is busy running a farm. So about a week ago he asked me "If the insurance company pays you, would you scrub down those 3 walls and 2 doors in the hog barn?" Sure, why not? A little extra cash would be nice, and all I'd need is a rag and bucket o' soap. No Problem, I say. I can do it over the weekend, or first of the week.

Fast forward to today...."Were you planning to wash those walls?" OH SHIT!! I had TOTALLY forgotten about that!! DAMN!!!! Ok, no problem...."I'll be down there at 2pm, as I'm in the middle of canning!!" lol Well, it happens that I got done a bit early and went down at 1pm...took me 2 hours, and about 10 gallons of sweat, but that baby is clean!! :) Since it totally screwed up my plans, I'll have to finish up with everything else sometime tomorrow. Although I don't know when, since Old Thresher's is this weekend. The Antique Tractor Pulls are at 1100, and that will last about 2hrs. I wouldn't normally worry about it, but the FIL and BIL are always in it, so I need to make a showing. So that puts a kink in the 'to do' list as well. Not to mention my nephew's birthday party at 6pm.

Saturday is for least in the morning. See, I am in LOVE with draft horses. And on Sat morning (0800) is the Draft Horse Team Pull...oh wow!! I love watching those HUGE babies back up to the weight sled and with a simple command, pull that weight with all their strength. Flipping dirt, digging deep, muscles rippling, snorting, and just all out RAW POWER. One day I will own a team of draft horses, and I will be one of the extreme few women who day......

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