Yep, just when I thought things had settled back down, my routine was shifted. Although for the past week my usual morning chores had been extended by 30 min due to watering my MIL's plants, it was nothing compared to last Thurs, and Fri. The work I did those 2 days set me back on my regular work around here, so I'm playing catch up. But that's ok, I learned a lot, and proved even more. Let me tell you the story....
My BIL has a hog barn. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll explain. Basically, its a HUGE building with concrete floors. These floors have slits in them about 6 feet long and 2 inches wide, all over. These slits allow the waste to drop/drip down into a pit....yes, a sewer pit. Anyway, if you draw a "T" and make the top long, that is what this building looks like. Along the inside of this T, it is divided into smaller pens, in which anywhere from 30-60 piglets are placed. These pens are approximately 60 feet long by 10 feet wide. That being said, each one of these 2,000+ piglets needs vaccinated. And there is where the fun begins! These piglets are raised to 'finishing' stage, which means fattened up so you can have that Christmas ham, or your morning bacon. That being said....
Strapped around my neck is the bottle of syrum, hanging upside down like an IV bottle. Out of that is a rubber hose, much like what you see in a hospital, and on the end of that is a sort of 'gun'. The syringe is placed inside, and on top is a small can of spray paint. As you squeeze the trigger, the proper amount of vaccine is administered through the needle, and a spot of paint is sprayed on said pig all at the same time. Basically, stab and squeeze. Stab sounds harsh, how about 'poke'? lol.
So now I'm armed and ready, although never having done this before, how hard can it be? Pick up a baby pig (too damn cute, by the way) and give it a shot. HA!!! Little did I know how exhausting that plan would be. Watching my BIL, he was just poking them on the run-by. I kept thinking "no way can I do that, I'll end up hitting an eye or something awful". So after picking up about 60 piglets, I was sweating like a whore in church. Dripping, even. BIL just laughed and said, "you'll get the hang of it, I was like you in the beginning, too. Don't worry about it." I finally decided to try his method.
We crowded them into one end with a folded gate, and locked it into the side panels. They would pile into one corner, and get still, at which time I could poke/squeeze each one in the neck, as directed. Then, we would slowly let them out, watching for any that we missed. By the end of day 1 I was exhausted, but felt I had gotten the hang of things pretty well. 0830-1230, with a 15min break in the middle, was solid vaccinating. I showered before leaving the building, but had to shower again once home....that smell just hangs on you!!
Waking up on Friday morning proved difficult. I was so sore from climbing over railings, pushing pigs, and bending over for 4 hours, my poor body screamed. But, like clockwork, 0830 he was at my door. This day proved more efficient. We work well together, and barely spoke. We got into a nice rhythm and moved along very well. It was so nice, and I think he and I came to a new level in our understanding of each other. Mind you, this is the husband of the SIL who has the hethan daughter I've discussed in previous entries. He admited to being sore as well, and was glad when we were finished.
I didn't expect to get paid, or to really get anything in return. I was doing him a favor, just helping out the way family should. So I was completely shocked when he handed me a check for $100!! Woohoo! He then asked me "So, wanna help me in 30 days when they need a booster shot?" I had no problem saying 'yes'. It was a great learning experience, and a great bonding experience, as well. Almost a 'proving' of sorts. However, it cause some friction at home for him. :(
See, she has always been a bit 'jealous', although I'm not sure why. I would never in a million years do anything but shake hands with him, but for some reason she thinks the possibility exists of there being 'more'. eeww. Don't get me wrong, he isn't ugly or anything by any means, but HELLO!! I am married to his brother, and the list of reasons why it would be so wrong gets longer from there. Why on earth would I even THINK of doing that????? *sigh* Moving on.....see, she is very 'prissy' although claiming to be a tomboy. PFFFFFTTT. He asked her to help before "Oh no,I can't do that, it stinks in there, and there is poop, and EEWWW!"....So here I come, with no reservations in any of it. Yeah, I commented on how cute they were, but also explained "That is a girl thing, no matter what." he laughed. As I was saying, he went home and was telling her what a good job I had done, and how we worked well together. Well, that went over like a lead balloon. "Well isn't that nice"....he in turn said "At least she helps me!!" Again, *sigh*. Not my issue, though. I don't care, its who I am, its how I am, and if she doesn't like it, tough shit.
Funny thing, though, I can vaccinate pigs all day, and still turn around and clean up for Hot Mamma's Club that night, lookin smokin hot!!! LOL That is for another entry!!
So all in all, I did a fine good that BIL is bragging to FIL, SIL, MIL, and all the farmers around about me...hehe...not bad for a chic who didn't know squat about farming when I moved here!! :)
I'll tell the wife that you got to play with piglets for 2 days and she will be sooooo jealous. She has always wanted a pig. She keeps saying that when one of the dogs pass away she is getting one. I would much rather eat one. For someone without a job you sure do work really hard.
HEHE...yeah, she'd change her mind after smelling that barn!! And yes, it seems this year I've been working a lot...I think between the garden and the chickens, my workload has tripled!! :)
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