Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life is unbelievable

So much is happening right now, and the problem is I can't really talk about it. I can, but sure as shit it will come back on me. I'll just say that my in-laws are unbelievable. What posseses people to side with one sibling, or go against one child, with the entire family ganging up on that person, is beyond me. And how that one child, a grown man, can actually contact an entire town to get them to turn is even crazier. I refuse to be a part of this, and so does the DH. He's fed up, and is seeing the true colors of his family. He is seeing how they are all hypocrits. They claim to be God fearing Christians, but they have so far lived up to my opinion of all "Christians". Forgive and Forget is nowhere in their vocabulary, they hold grudges against each other from events that occured over 20 years ago, when there were outside influences, and for the last 20+ years they've been a hive of liars. The parents can't agree as to what is right, and everything for the last 35 years has been geared toward the youngest of the 4 getting everything in the estate. All land, buildings, farm equipment, etc. Its a fucking nightmare. So, until the dust settles, I'll have to just keep my mouth shut.

In other news, I'm not getting Emmett. The idiot that had the litter never let them around the mom except to nurse twice a day. He then weaned them at 4 weeks, and keeps mom away. They've got more worms than they should, and I refuse to support such a person.

I also got a horse. Her name is Royalty, and she is a 14 year old black/white paint. She is very spirited, and we both have learning to do about each other.

Anyway, for the moment, thats all I've got. So maybe at the end of the week I can discuss the bullshit going on here.


Jayne said...

IMHO the inlaws/bylaws (pains in the collective arse *ahem* have HAD their lives. They're supposed to offer guidance & help their children to learn about the pitfalls in life, not squabble over bloody estates & who gets what. It'd drive me to distraction honestly! I was truly blessed with my motherbylaw & I count myself so very lucky.
Hang in their darlin & the only advice I can give to you & DH is to stick together. You've patched up the problems of the past & now y'all need to get on with YOUR lives. If the inlaws are trying to drag y'all into their nonsense, just tell 'em straight y'aint concerned!
Sorry to hear about Emmett - breeders like that deserve to be publicly ridiculed. Real glad you got a horse tho' :-)

2012 is juswt around the corner hon, so you just make sure you gotta extra bed for us Saffies when we come a ridin' thru y'hear!

Hugs & kisses hon xoxoxox

HD Chic said...

Thanx Jayne, you're always the voice of reason!

Bet your arse we'll have a spot for ya, for as long as you want to put up with us! LOL *patiently waiting for the sound of T2 rumbling down the highway* ;-) xoxo

The Handler said...

Now I understand why the DH use to drink.

Jayne, Can't wait to meet you when whatever happens in 2012 happens.

HD Chic said...

The Handler....I agree, it makes me want to hit the bar every day! Jayne and her DH will be bringing their Harley (T2) over from South Africa for a US tour in 2012....I kept telling her to swing by, so I'll be keeping my ear to the ground for that familiar rumble!!